The Pointe - Centex Homes

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Cleopatra, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Checked this new hood out the other day. What's up with the cemetary right at the entrance? They layed the headstones down flat, and paved over the whole area with concrete, planted some bushes, some grass.... Mostly Barbours from what I saw. How come these were not moved? Can the descendants not be found? Do they know that their deceased relatives are now part of a common area in a subdivision?

    Also looks like they are paving that dirt road, Monroe. Hey, HG - I saw a car pulled over to the side! Anyway, I never saw so much junk/garbage discarded at the side of the road in my life. WTH is wrong with people?
  2. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    some people may not care about there peeps being buried at a neighborhood! there is a gorgous new expensive neighborhood in wilson and at the entrance sign there is a friggin cemetary and one in the way back too! there is no way that i would pay 400-some-thousand dollars to be wiggin out if i heard a strange noise!!!!
  3. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    :lol: That was my last time down "Monroe" I know those people were either doing drugs or hookin up ;)

    That road reminds me of a creepy movie or something <shivers>
  4. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member


    Those are some of MY PEEPS! Yes, we knew they were there & they still are right there below their stones. I thought it looks nice -- way nicer than the weedy overgrown mess it was before. That farm was sold out of my family about 1930 or so. We're talking about 75 + years ago.

    There WERE small family polts (GRAVES) all over the area. On nearly EVERY OLD FARM. Maybe even where you live NOW.

    For the record it's my GGDaddy's much older brother and wife, a daughter and some other children and their grand children.

    Monroe Road- Ewwwwwwww.... never go there...ewwwwwww. It has been a dump & sly hook up place for YEARS.
  5. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    kelyel......I think that is neat that you know where they are and you can trace your family back and actually know where they are buried.

    I know some of my family history but most of my old relatives are buried in the Netherlands as we have only been in the US for about 60 years
  6. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    That's creepy Kel. I don't think it looks nice at all, I think it looks tacky and weird. There could be some dead bodies under me right now - and not just the ones I hid there!! However, they are not bound in concrete and decorated at the entrance of my neighborhood.

    Why not just move the graves? Just seems kind of disrespectful to me.
  7. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Cleo, it is probablly nearly impossible to move really old graves like that I would imagine. They are probablly buried in pine boxes and to try and move them now they would just disinegrate whereas nowadays people have vaults and then their caskets are placed in them.
  8. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Doesn't anyone remember the movie "Poltergeist"?
  9. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Yeah. <freaky>


    The house that mom, dad, sista etc... rented last weekend at the beach had a graveyard right beside it!

    I'm glad I was sick and couldn't go. I would have had to stay somewhere else <hiding>
  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    That may be true, although they just moved a Union Soldier back to his proper burual ground not too long ago - didn't they? Or maybe it was a Confederate. I know Kel is not personally responsible for these graves either. I realize the property changed hands many moons ago. It just trips me out whenever I drive by there, the other day I just decided to stop and read them.

    I am not knocking on you, Kel. Just seemed like an interesting topic to me.

    BTW, I will be cremated. :)
  11. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Me 2, I dont want bugs eating me when I'm dead <vomit> :lol:
  12. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    agree, interesting topic. I have no idea about the Confederate or Union soldier but I would imagine it would be easier to move one rather than a bunch of folks in a family.

    I think I personally would ask the builder why they chose that spot? I know folks around here are gobbling up any land they can to put up new subdivisions but geez...if there is a family plot there, at least move it away from it some!!! To me building on them is disrespectful to the people buried there as well as new owners!!

    Poltergeist...ick....freaky...scary...don't want to think about it....
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Yeah, you just wonder why they chose to put the entrance there. It is right smack dab in the middle of the entrance/exit.
  14. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Oct 24, 2007
  15. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    this happens to be an area about which i have some expertise....

    let's see. yes, you can move graves that old. there are only two or three people in thw whole state licensed to do so. mostly they are employed by DOT and developers. you just dig in the area where the grave is known to be, go down 6 feet, and scoop out the black dirt. put it in one of those big plastic storage tubs, snap on the lid, and your ancestors are on their way someplace new!

    moving them is NOT done at the expense of the descendants. if it's a neighborhood, it's the developer who pays. if it's a highway, it's everybody who pays (tax dollars).

    i personally believe it's more disrespectful to move them than it is to build around them. there's one at the intersection of rand and 1010 (which i actually went before the county commissioners to oppose the builder moving them. so he had to build 42 houses instead of 43. tough) hidden nicely by some bushes and neighborhood signs.

    as stated earlier, it was very common in this part of the world 100 years ago to bury people on a high spot or unusable spot on your land. they are everywhere. they are historic. they are somebody's great-great grandparents. would you want someone to come along 120 years from now and decide that the cemetery you get buried in is in the way of a new housing development and that it would be a good idea to dig you up and move you?

    anyway, why would you put them at the entrance to a neighborhood? there are probably far more cemeteries hidden at neighborhood entrances than you would ever guess. they can be easily disguised. many neighborhoods these days have split entrances with a little island in the middle. alot of times they're cemeteries disguised as fancy entrance landscaping. having it at the entrance also allows for maximum efficiency of the land, ie you can build as many houses as possible on the tract of land. better than having them take up a whole lot in between two houses...

    and few people know that you can take a tax deduction on your property taxes for the area that the cemetery covers.

    and finally, i've found that if you have long hair (or look freaky in any way) and wear black tshirts and hang out in cemeteries, almost nobody ever bothers you..... ;)
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2007
  16. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Dangerboy...I am just curious as this is interesting. When they hide these little cemetaries at entrances of sub divisions (which I will NEVER look at the little island ones the same) do they get permission from the descendants and are they still marked in anyway?
  17. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    You also have to have a place to put them. The process works like this.

    Developer finds the graves, decides the move them, finds a place to move them, like an existing church cemetery and then has them moved.

    During this process a map has to be drawn up of the existing graveyard with the grave sites marked on the map (best guess usually). Each of these grave sites are marked with A1, A2, B1, B2 and so on.

    Then another map has to be drawn of the new grave location. Most cases, like is said its an existing cemetery and the area that the area that the old graves are moving to, have to be "gridded" off as well....F1, F2, G1, G2 and so on.

    There are about a half dozen forms to fill out explaining that grave A1 is moving to F1 etc...

    Notices have to be placed in the local papers for anyone with info on the old cemetery or who might have claims on it to get in touch with the appropriate people, agree on the move, agree on the new location etc...I believe these notices have to run for 3 weeks consecutive. There is also a Clerk of Court search that has to be done also if i recall.

    Then....4-5 months after all this process started, all the i's are dotted and t's are crossed, then you can move the graves.

    Its much easier for the developer to build around it so thats why many are not moved.
  18. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    See, now we know. :mrgreen:
  19. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I learn something new on here everyday. :mrgreen:
  20. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    no permission necessary to camouflage one. (or to move one, for that matter. half-***** attempts at calling people in the phone book with the same last name qualifies as a genuine attempt to find descendants.) many times stones are laid down instead of left standing, which technically is against the rules (attempting to cover up or deface graves, vandalism of gravesite), but is rarely pursued since at least they weren't trying to remove the stones, only make them more palatable from a viewer's pov. what does happen alot, though, is that the stones are heavy, grass grows up around the edges, it rains, and the stones literally sink into the ground. when that happens, you lose the grave. eventually nobody will remember there's a cemetery there...

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