Does anyone have the number for the sales office at Adams Point on Old Drugstore Rd? I cannot find it on the internet. I would like to call and ask them why they had their sprinklers going this morning in the middle of a rain storm while the rest of us are doing everything we can to conserve water. :evil:
Could be either one, the line is somewhere out there. However, even though I posted the link for Wake, I'm sure if it isn't, they could give you the number for Johnston.
This rain has been wonderful. My bermuda is a nice dark green because of the rain. We never water, but that's why we chose bermuda, because it can withstand the heat/drought! :mrgreen:
unless you know for sure they hooked up then they could still be using a well for the sprinklers.. we have county run along our road but we still use our well.
I have centipede, and it's another good warm-season grass that withstands drought. Love it. Feel sorry for people trying to keep their fescue alive, but that's what they get for trying to grow a cool-season grass in this climate. :mrgreen:
Ok, dont report them. :lol: I used to 4 wheel in that sub while it was being built. Almost every day (I was bored) sewage and water was run through out the sub. I may be wrong, but I doubt it.
I'm sure all the houses are on county but hopefully they got smart and put the sprinkler on a well or on a pond(if they have one around)
There is one pond back there but it is private and wasnt sold with the sub. I dont know of any other ponds around there. I have been in every crevase(sp) with the 4 wheeler. report them.....:lol: Like cleo said, let JOCO figure it out. Lots of northerners live there I bet. Watering while it's raining. roflmao *no northerners were hurt in this statement*
I think you should report them. If they are using well water for watering the landscape, the water police can figure it out - like Cleo said. But they need to get called on it, even if it's a well. Just because.
Ours is doing pretty good, thanks. It went dormant in a few spots, died in a few spots but it is nice and gren right now. And it stays pretty and green in the winter!
My grass died. At the beginning of the season I mowed it on #3. I usually keep it 3 or 4 inches. At the end I got mad at all the brownness*not a word but it will do for now* So I started moving it with the deck on 1...hehehehe. I tried to really kill the crap. I see brown dirt spots all over where the blades dug into the ground. Damn grass, I showed it...:lol:
My DH is a yard freak, it's all got to beautiful and perfectly manicured :mrgreen: We had fescue for a couple of years, but our water bills were outrageous and then it got a fungus and died. We put in Bermuda. Best decision we ever made. We spent so much money on that fescue over 3 years to keep it looking good...jesh. Hind site is 20/20. We throw winter rye down in the winter when the bermuda goes dormant, it's beautiful!