Looks like a good program. Thought I'd post this link: http://www.letssaythanks.com/Home1024.html When I was in the USN, it was a blessing to get mail from ANYONE!
Kent, Thanks for posting this. I say thanks to my friends who are serving, but it would be awesome to say thanks to more! I'm going to do this daily. What an awesome way to let them know we care!
this is great! thanks Kent. I went in and sent a card. I also forwarded the link to everyone on my contact list. It's a really nice way to let our troops know we appreciate what they are doing.
This is great!!! Also, there is a project called Packages for Patriots that just sent out 300 care packages and will be sending more in March...they were all packaged by volunteers!! Lots of fun and a great cause!!!
Thanks Kent, while i may not support the war, i wholeheartedly support our troops and will definitely take advantage of the site you posted to send my support.
Thanks Kent, I second your feelings about the importance of hearing from the folks at home..mail call was such an uplift, unless you didn't get mail.... Just as I feel that no child should awaken on Christmas morning without a gift, never should a service person go unaware as to how his or her service is valued.
Patriot Packs found HERE with maybe a hundred other charitable links. This site breaks it down for what is being sent. Integrity First Service Before Self Excellence in All We Do
Locally, I'm pretty sure Emilie & Joe are still collecting stuff to send for the troops. They have sent many boxes, and there was still a box for donations the last time I was in the Cleveland Oaks Postal Unit.
Oh yeah, forgot about that. Did I also hear somewhere, that enlisted families could use expired coupons at the Exchange?
Yes, thanks Kent. I have been to this site before but have not kept up my daily routine. You Posting this has reminded my family and me of our responsibilities to the troops. Grace
In addition to the post cards, here's an additional address for you to consider, especially when you're making out your Christimas card list: A Recovering American soldier c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center 6900 Georgia Avenue,NW Washington, DC 20307-5001 Getting your kids to write a short letter or perhaps color a picture to send would be great.
Just there and they are still collecting stuff, however it is behind the counter until after the Holidays because of the large Breast Cancer Awareness and fundraising effort and the "Letters for Santa" collection center. The letter of thanks is still hanging by the Santa area.
Kent, this is a great idea and this thread was wonderful, however I would not recommend that anyone do this Christmas Card item. They will not forward them to our troops, bogs the system down and is a waste of stamps. http://www.snopes.com/politics/christmas/soldiercards.asp