I need a large "doggie door" so my dogs can come in out of bad weather.please reply if you have one not being used thanks
A doggie door is installed IN the door - a hole is cut out of the door in order to accommodate this act. If someone gets a dog door installed and decides they no longer wish to use it, they can put the access panel down and lock it. Removing the doggie door part itself would result in a LARGE gaping hole in ones door :roll: Some people install their doggie door panels in a wall, again, they can place their access panel in it and lock it to prevent further use, but again, removing the dog door itself would leave a similar hole in a wall.
You can buy them at Lowe's Hardware store. My sister installed her's in the wall of the house, her husband said that if they ever sold the house or decided never to have another dog he would be able to repair the sheetrock and outer portion of the house cheaper than buying another door, for new home buyer issues.
Thats what we are debating on doing ourselves... My dogs are in the garage for the most part so we are thinking about putting in a doggie door in the wall of the garage (not the big door). Is that something they did?
Yes. They placed it on the backside of the garage where the access is to the backyard, this has the inground fence system for the dog. They felt the backside is hidden from the front street view and less likely for someone to think they could get in the garage or house this way, but anybody that familiar with their dog knows this would not be a wise decision. Plus they live in a gated community and didn't want to take the chance someone would raise a stink.
My inlaws had a doggie door which they gave to us when they no longer needed it. They had installed it in a low floor to ceiling type window, and it was between their living room and the screen porch. So during the day the doggie could let herself out to the screen porch for fresh air if she wanted. We've installed the same doggie door out in our screen porch, we removed an area of screen, fitted it in, and blocked around it with a few pcs of wood so that it would match. We've located it above what would have been the railing height of the porch, my cats use it to come and go. Atleast if its bad weather, etc.... or they being pursued by a dog, they can get in the back screened porch and be safe.
Girl, that is one smart idea. Thanks, I'll use that for the future if ever needed. As of right now, we have two very spoiled dogs and only want to be outside if we're out with them.
Stupid question, I know but... Does anyone know where I can find a couple of pictures of the doggie doors installed in the house wall?
Perfect! Thank you!!! I'm hoping the x-large dog door will fit. I have three dogs, one is a mastiff shepperd mix and I have a chow mix with a bad leg. when he was a little puppy, his original owners beat him and broke his leg. He didnt receive any vet care so the leg healed up on it's own. It wont "bend", it healed straight. doesnt give him any problems, we just have to watch it for ulcers, etc. I just hope he can get his leg through the door.