Dance Studio

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Rostrawberry, Aug 17, 2007.

  1. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Still stand by the original suggestion....

    (1) check out the dance floor (MOST IMPORTANT. Don't want your little one dancing on a floor laid right on concrete. That can do permanent damage to growing bones)
    (2) check out the director (If she/he has no dance background...why? If he/she went straight to college for dance then opened a studio...why?)
    (3) watch the classes/interaction with teachers and director (Chances are, if you see a little stiffness between teacher/director, there's strife somewhere. Also, may be the best dancer in the world, but may not know how to teach. That's a reflection on both the well as the director's ability to hire the correct staff)
    (4) make decision ;)

    Ordering online is probably best if your dance studio doesn't offer an ordering option. Most of the better studios will at least have some kind of partnership with a company and be able to order supplies for you. If not, try DiscountDance online or LeosDance or AllAboutDance...there are about 5 that are very good, very reliable.

  2. ws

    ws Well-Known Member

    my daughter goes to dance art and enjoys it
  3. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Thanks Froggie :)
  4. exit319

    exit319 Member

    I go to dance art. Ms.Cheri is the brand new instructor and she is awesome! Kids love her. You can see her in action along with all the other instructors on the website. You can also read all about them on the website as well. Hope i helped!
  5. exit319

    exit319 Member

    This is true! DanceArt has very good floors. I have been dancing there since the doors opened and the rooms are very nice. When you go to the studio for the first time, someone will give a mini-tour around the studio. you can even go in the room and jump around if you like [:
  6. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    My daughter had a great year at DanceArt...She loved it. Now I have 2 daughters going this year and they LOVE Ms. Judy. She knows how to handle those lil ones :)
  7. exit319

    exit319 Member

    Ms.Judy is a sweet heart! I had her for ballet and for pointe. She loves the little ones!

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