Every once in a while, one runs into a headline that causes people to slap their forehead and groan. How about this one... Fla. student Tasered at Kerry speech won't be charged Got any?
"Men Favor Marriage With Children"--headline, Gainesville (Fla.) Sun, Oct. 28 http://www.gainesvillesun.com/article/20071028/NEWS/71028012/1002/NEWS "State Report Says Texas Has Too Many Reports"--headline, Associated Press, Oct. 29 http://www.statesman.com/news/content/gen/ap/TX_Too_Many_Reports.html "Ex-St. Paul Teacher Is Off to Workhouse for Sex With Teen"--headline, Star Tribune (Minneapolis), Oct. 26 http://www.startribune.com/10242/story/1511551.html "Spears' Mother Plans Parenting Book"--headline, Reuters, Oct. 26 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071026/people_nm/spears_dc
:shock: The irony is thick with that one, isn't it?!? That's like Charles Manson's mother writing a book called "Raising your Exceptional Child." :shock:
Are you talking about Charlie Manson and his Mother? If so, is the Mother truely responsible for raising an insane person?
No, I'm talking about Brit-brit. And yes I think a mother has some form of impression on a child growing up.
So a mother can't have SOME type of effect on a child w/ a defective brain? So a defective brain means a mother can't influence them in no way, shape, form or fashion? I think even it may be a small amount, yes.