Man carrying Cross on I-40 Shoulder?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by EngNCSU, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. Grace Slick

    Grace Slick Well-Known Member I thought I never had an original thought! Today is your day, Ken. How are you dressing? I told my daughter earlier to get ready for the "beggers" and she said "what are you talking about, it's Halloween?" I started laughing and told her I was joking...seems I am the only one getting my jokes recently.

  2. Grace Slick

    Grace Slick Well-Known Member

    I was curious because I know you love Horror movies and whatnots. The parents should appreciate the smoking thing. Hate people who stopped smoking. They are the worse on those of us who smoke. Please don't be that way. We may disagree on everything else in the Universe but I will hunt you down if you do that.

  3. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Ummmm....Grace, I think he meant it would be a "NO Geico" sign - not a NO smoking sign. Like, with the word Geico under the big circle with the slash in it instead of "smoking" in the circle. You know, because the cavemen hate Geico.

    Girl, you are havin a bad one. You need a nap.:lol:
  4. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    and should stuff something in your upper mouth to make the cheeks "puff" out and your speech more "cave" like.:-D
  5. Grace Slick

    Grace Slick Well-Known Member

    I find it ironic that one will admire (which I do) this man who carries the cross for his cause, but if you do not believe in a person's cause (when I say you it does not mean the person starting the Thread) you claim it is only drawing attention to that one person, who so wants the attention.

    Kudos to him for believing in a cause and bringing attention to it. Maybe I will find him and let him know that he needs to get away from our area because he MUST only be doing this to draw attention to himself. Hypocrites.

  6. Grace Slick

    Grace Slick Well-Known Member

    Thanks, I did not understand. And, yes, I need a nap. Got laid off from work a week ago last Friday due to the slump in construction and the company may close. So, if I seem more radical than normal people can just call me harsher names than in the past. I could give a rats a@@. Nerves are frayed!!! Not aimed at you or Ken.

  7. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Cool pumpkin idea. You might know this already, but you can get glow stick bracelets at the $ store in Fuquay - 15 to a tube and only a buck. My kids LOVE them and since we always have a bunch of neighbor kids over too, I hand them out to all in the yard.
  8. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Ohhh! SO sorry to hear that Grace. I hope things look up for you real soon. Hang in there. Remember that things have a way of changing before you know it. Maybe this will be the reason you end up with a fantastic job that you love and one that pays more too. Keep us posted.
  9. Grace Slick

    Grace Slick Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your kindness. I have only told a few on the Forum up until now but since I seem to be a little bit MORE over the edge thought I would share. Right now it is tough but people have it a lot worse than I keep telling myself. I did get them to pay for health insurance for my daughter until I get a job or they decide what to do with the company.

  10. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    OK...WHO is the hypocrite, here? Not him.

    (hint: take a look in the mirror)
  11. Grace Slick

    Grace Slick Well-Known Member

    Please re-read. I never said he was a hypocrite. Read things through first. Maybe you need a magnifying glass!

  12. justme989

    justme989 Guest

    LoL! Good one nondrummer..couldn't help but laugh..which cult do you belong to ?.you seem quite a bitrdrumr yourself LOL!! hahaha Blues sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2007

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