If a child and parent you have never seen before are at your house and the parent asks if they can come in for a bathroom emergency, what would you do? I had a co-worker ask me this and it stumped me. My first inclination is that I never invite strangers inside. PERIOD. But....as a parent I know these emergencies can arise. This is just a query for my fellow 4042s: Would you let the child inside to use the bathroom?
If I knew the parent and the parent was with them - yes. Otherwise, they can run on home with the legs God gave them to come beg at my door. You can't be too careful these days.
What if they don't live in your neighborhood and have diarreha (sp?) or something? If my DH was present, I'd probably let them come in, plus my bathroom is close to the door/living room.
I probably would let them in, my wife is here and she scares the crap out of me and my Beagle is currently outfitted in his Underdog Costume! :mrgreen:
DH is working tonight - While none of the mutts are in costume this year, Frankenstein and Percy have been waiting for years for an excuse to take a chunk out of someone. If the hypothetical kid was about to have dihareah, they'd likely crap themselves in fear of walking past the dogs :lol: . .you've gotta go through three rooms to get to the hallway with the guest bath. 5 kids total - unbelievable. 8:45 the lights go out - all the little kids should be done by then. . .I really think they don't want to walk up my driveway - it's kinda long.
None here...............as usual. Took DS to a couple S/D's. They were having fun at Riverwood! :lol:
If a child came up and had an emergency bathroom request, i would let the child and only the child come in and would direct them to the bathroom and wait outside until they were done. If it was a parent asking to use the bathroom, unless i knew them, i would have to say no. If they are in my neighborhood trick or treating, they need to either live in my neighborhood or close by and if they are that close by, they can get their buts in their cars that drove them to my neighborhood and drive themselves back to their own home for a bathroom emergency.
we went to riverwood last night (athletic club) we couldn't believe the amount of people out there, its usually not that crowded.. but it was a great time for little man..
My Grandmom used that word for, well, you know... she always snickerd when HOCKEY (The sport) was first mentioned on the tv news just a few years ago. We all laugh at that now.
I agree. If the child needs to go let them but stay outside with the parent. We went through 15 bags of candy last night. Our neighborhood gets soooo many kids and we get a lot from outside the subdivision. We believe they come because they think the candy is not tainted in our neighborhood. When my daughter was younger and I was taking a group of her friends and her to beg for candy they all seemed to need to go at the same time. I was fortunate enough to know just about everyone around so we knocked on a door and they let the whole crowd in. I did know the family. Of course, my daughter then stated she was thirsty, which embarrassed me, but the mother and friend pulled out juice and let each one drink some. Guess we were lucky. Oh, and by the way, we actually have a family who gives out Beer to the parents if they know them. Pretty awesome, because by the time we get to that house everyone needs some. Grace
That cracked me up last night, we (the parents) were offered some adult beverages at one house, I guess trick or treating has evolved! :lol: :lol: :lol:
we saw some parents out last night, one was pulling the wagon and the other was pulling the cooler...
You know, I really don't want to be a party pooper, but with all the kids, cars, etc. I just don't know if it's terribly wise. I guess as with any other thing, moderation is the key.
OMG we had a ball last night. We were across the street from our house, helping with the haunted yard, etc. It was awesome. There were cornstalks all over the front yard, with a graveyard, two smoke machines, two strobe lights, two scare crows (real people) in the middle of the cornstalks, a table with someone being chopped up with the butcher and my dh would come out from behind this black cloth and chase the kids with the chainsaw. The fathers really loved it, they'd bring the kids up and LOL and thought it was so cool, the moms wouldn't even stop w/the kiddo's cause they were all too scared. Awesome time, everyone said best in neighborhood!
i would let the person in but it would be at gun point. if they are comfortable with that then they are honest