I'm thinking about offering overnight childcare services in my home. Say from 5 pm to 6/7 am for third shift parents. Whats a good rate to charge weekly? Food & homework help provided.
Have a good contract. Cross every t and dot every i, and follow it to the letter!! Remember the parents are your clients, they are not your boss!
One would have to pay me at least 1000 a week. You must have a lot of patience. I would pay 175 to 200. When were you when I needed you. I used to work 3rd shift at mitzubishi in Durham when my son was born. Was impossible to find a overnight sitter.
Yep that does sound good. I'd get a current price listing from a daycare in the area and then structure it like they do...the younger the more expensive, the older less.
Yeah, thats what I hear alot of! I work a full time job and my evenings are pretty much free. I'm tired of sitting around watching TV. We also need the extra income since my SO still has had no luck finding a job. Just started applying for a 3rd shift job since they seem to pay more until a full time day one comes in. I figured with the holidays coming up, there is bound to be a parent out there who is taking on a second job who could use some daycare help. I sent an email to the state childcare department about what I would need to do if anything. Still no response...blah!
I would love to but I just ran out of minutes on my cell phone and I'm at work. I'll call them when I get home if I get home early enough. But of course, as faith would have it, our home phone is also on the fritz. Just wondering when this dark cloud would pass, lol.