So I'm sitting at a stop light today on the way back to work during lunch and notice a car with the familiar C3 sticker in the back window. On the same car there was a bumper sticker that read "God doesn't believe in Athiests" Which brings up the question that popped into my head. Does not God believe in and love all of his creatures despite their own beliefs? Craig
this has always been my struggle... some will argue if you do not believe in god then he does not believe in you... but I can not see him denying you into heaven if you have lived a life just like a christian but have not accepted him into your life.. I think to make such a bold statement is not a very good christian in my opinion.. God is the ultimate judge of all and a sins a sin no matter what, I believe its whats in your heart and the way you live your life.
It is the desire of God that ALL should come to know Him. He loves all people no matter what they are or who they are. But to know Him is to live by His ways. That means what is in His word. No, not all people that "claim" to be Christians have the relationship God desires to have with them. My heavens, ya'll. God is our Father. He wants us to come to Him in everything. Look, I know this from sheer experience. And you all know it too. We can keep on trying to do it all on our own and we will fail everytime. It may not look like it, it may look just "jim-dandy". But down the line if you don't put Him in your life, your love, your marriage, your family, your situation, you will go down. And you will go down HARD. I know it, I've seen it, I've experienced it. I say all this because I know that He will be there for ANYONE that comes to Him sincerely. We take one step and HE comes running............
I thought that was a joke! How can you say God does not believe in ______? If God is all-knowing, then what is there for God to "believe in" or not? I looked around on the Westboro Baptist Church site a while ago, and they are very insistent that "God loves everyone" is a big lie. I think they are mistaken. I think God loves all creatures.
He must wear Nikes, SO just got a job interview!!! Like, three minutes after the post above! :shock: Keep your fingers crossed, its been almost three months now since the *evil company* laid SO off and the phone has not been ringing. Black cloud is slowly lifting!
Forbidden You don't have permission to access /lastdragon3.jpg on this server. Apache/1.3.28 Server at Port 80
This is what I got: Forbidden You don't have permission to access /lastdragon3.jpg on this server. I really must not be special today, lol. Whatever it was, it sounds hilarous. I'll just imagine the joke in my head and chuckle to myself.
The Last Dragon....terrible movie but it was good. One of bad its good movies. Went and saw it at the Tryon movie theater.
You have to remember that He is a jealous god. We are not to put anything before Him. Yes, He is good, but jealous none the less. Accepting Him into your heart is all he wants.