I see Selma apparently reelected their incumbent mayor. Is there a roll eyes smilie?? If not, imagine one right here.
The thing is that the County Commissioners wanted to see this fail -- so w/ the exception of one maybe two they are happier than pigs in mud right now -- they will also be happy to add to the bond debt, and to increase property taxes in one of two ways; by calling for an across the board property tax hike or to have all property reassessed -- they aren't looking to be fiscally responsible -- they are protecting their private interests -
Way to go Johnston County! You just assured that everyone in the county will pay higher taxes to support growth. Instead of allowing those that move here to pay a transfer tax, you have probably forced people who have lived in the same house for 20 years, and plan to live there for 20 more, to have to pay higher taxes EVERY year. Why not give the County the options? I swear half of the people probably saw the word 'TAX' and freaked out. News flash - they will tax you anyway. They will get your money. It is about the most fair and equitable way of doing it. Anyone realize why the Realtor industry spent so much money to fight this? They don't care about you. They care about their profits.
Here is something else to ponder: The transfer tax was supposed to add a 0.4% tax on the selling of a home. A 200,000 home would equate to $800 whopping dollars!!!! How many times do you plan to move within Johnston County so that this breaks your bank? Meanwhile, if property taxes go up you may very well end up paying $100 - $300 more per year (wild guess, I admit), which will add up a lot quicker.
Am I looking at the results correctly? Not all votes are in yet so we still don't know about Clayton's Town Council. Grace
Why dont we hold elections on Saturdays or at least make national election days a day off from work? Do you think turn out would be even lower? We really dont make voting all that easy.
I do believe that the day we vote should be a day off from work and school. I do not believe that because people have the day off that will get them to the polls. What it would do is allow those who want to help be able to without taking a day's vacation. I believe by giving the children a day off from school we should have some working in the system, at polls, courthouses, etc. Maybe the next generation would get more involved. Grace
I do have to agree though, people see "tax" and automatically turn the other way. I wonder if spending was done more responsibly if it would be a little different.
We had a problem at the West Clayton precinct with wrong ballots. Somewhere between nineteen and twenty five they have already found. Ballots were passed out to people who did not live in the City Limits and they voted on Mayor and Town Council. Just confirmed with a person who ran for office. He is on the telephone with the BOE and we will hear something soon. Will keep everyone updated. Grace
If anyone knows anything from the BOE please Post. Some of the numbers are very close on the Town Council of Clayton. The tax issues are a sweep with all the money that was poured into our area. I thought people would realize that one but it looks like the developers and others knew exactly what they were doing. They were organized and funded. Grace
Provisional ballots have not been completely counted and should be today. Smithfield is going to call the State BOE to ask direction on the ballots that were given to people who did not live in the Town of Clayton. Looks like we could have a re-vote. With the turnout we had the first time I just don't know how many will go again just for this. This is important and should be taken seriously. Grace
I voted at Cleveland Elem. School yesterday between 5&6pm. I was amazed when I learned that I was only voter 191. I haven't looked to see how many folks voted in all in my precinct. Hopefully lots of people came after work. I voted in favor of both the sales tax & the realestate tax. Looks like I got outvoted by the majority. Nothing comes for free. You get what you pay for. Its a shame that the highschool in our area is sooooo overcrowded. I'm sure money could be spent better - but right now it looks like the growth is really causing a strain in our community. Our kids deserve better. The teachers & staff are doing a great job with what they have. However, I look around at all the neighborhoods being built and I know we are in big trouble. I hear folks complain all the time about the rapid growth and our inability to pay for our schools. One way or another the schools will have to be built & paid for. I consider my money well spent when it goes towards my childs education. Hopefully those who didn't take the time to vote will stop whining.
C'mon. Get off your a** and vote! It took me 10 minutes after work. This is the one thing you should do for your country and it happens once a year (jury duty is another). How much easier should we make it for the fat, lazy, ignorant people who can't make it to the polls? Maybe we should come by the house with a Twinkie and a ballot? Sacrifice a little bit, jeez.
Harvey, the twinkie thing made me LOL... Why not same day registration/voting? Why not an extended period. Why not online balloting? There are many different suggestions as to how to best enable an electorate. While I agree that the process is pretty easy for most of us, it seems that more can be done.
EXACTLY !!!! "Everyone" will pay a part of the cost of growth; business, renters, home owners and land owners. Why should persons selling their home or property be the only ones paying the bill? Especially if I'm leaving the area. You said "It is about the most fair and equitable way of doing it." Well, your wrong. I'm leaving after 16 years of living here because of the growth. Why should I get the tab for future growth. I paid for the structure the new-comers are enjoying now!! The cost is not going to, "those that move here," it's going to the seller. And adding that cost to the sell price in a down housing market is just plain stupid. And your comment that $800 is a menial amout of money, maybe to you, but to me that's a lot. They had a stake in it and persons that plan on selling also had a stake in it. The person who should be paying this fee (or tax) should be the "Buyer" and not the seller. If the proposal was presented in that format it would have, most likely, passed by a large margin. So don't blame the voters, blame the people who wrote this lame law.