Okay, I'm hitting a brick wall AGAIN w/ Cleveland Middle. I requested an IEP meeting, in writing on October 5th. It is now the 7th of Nov. obviously. I keep getting calls that they want the meeting during a planning period. Well, I've told them over and over we can't make it smack dab in the middle of the day. Said we can do it before school anytime, after 3:00pm any time and even offered anytime on a Saturday, and even last week during the TEACHER WORKDAY. Aren't they at the school all day then anyhow? Well, apparnetly not as this one teacher was determined to go fishing that day. And yes, I'm serious b/c they told me how this person was planning this trip. They called again last night w/ suggestions of a planning period time. We said once again, we can't do it then but offered plenty of other times to choose from. It appears to us, this person only wants to meet on their terms. We have plenty of options when to meet, just can't be during the workday middle. Husband works in Cary. We are trying to move my son from resource to self-contained. Something we requested and were denied in the beginning of the year. They and I quote said "we don't let students fail first before we give them help." Yes, he's now failing...urghh. We have begged for this IEP placement change from the get go. Anyone else in a similiar situation? I have a friend who has recently had to hire a lawyer to deal w/ the schools. Any other IEP parents have to go this route? BTW, the IEP is NOT being followed. I called the school the other day and after being put on hold to "check" to see if the principal or vice principal was there, I was told they'd call me back. Did they...NO. I only want what is best for my son. Any suggestions on how to get the school to move on this issue, please, please let me know. I know of several other special ed parents right now having problems w/ the schools. Is this county wide? Thanks for the input. Stephanie--mom to 7
Fire up Tony Parker's line, and every school board member you can find. make them meet you at your terms. If, in fact, you've been blown off for this, heads should roll. One thought that occurs is that the reputation of this school and admin are suspect now, one would think they;d try to accommodate you to get a good report. Or, possibly, the admin IS as bad as we've been told, and they don't care. You've been far too patient, as far as I can see,
thanks Hatteras. I figured if I've already asked the admin, then I'm going to have to escalate tot he next level to attempt to get results. I'm just really and truly fustrated w/ this school. I have a daughter there too. Though she is in self-contained, I don't think it's too much to ask of a teacher to speak proper english and grammar. Call me old fashioned but if you are in the teaching profession, I think you should rub off on your students. Since my daughter started school this year, she uses much more slang, double negatives, inproper grammar, etc. I myself have heard the teacher say witch you versus with you. Why is that? ARen't we supposed to teach students correctly or do they think that since it's special ed, it doesn't matter? I'm appalled. We correct her all the time at home but it is at school that she's learning it. Like I said, it wasn't a problem last year. Only thing that changed is the teacher. Basically, all the same kids in her class again this year as well. I'm not an english major by any stretch--LOL, just would appreciate my children speaking this language correctly. NOt all the time, as none of us do. However, a good majority of the time would be nice. What's sad, is all the grammatical errors that occur when the teachers write me a note. The social studies teacher does it all the time. Is it this bad at the high school or can they actually speak the language correctly? Maybe it's just me or b/c I'm so fustrated w/ the way this school teaches its students. Why do we have a class at the middle school dedicated to just to prepare the kids for EOG testing? If they are teaching students properly, this class would not be needed. It wasn't needed when I grew up in NC public schools. Why the change??? My son in 2nd grade has been doing timed math since the beginning of school. He's just memorizing the problems and not learning the concept. Whenever I bring up issues to the teachers, I'm told this is the way we are told to teach. My son can get the probelms w/ 100% accuracy on site math. However, if I ask him what's 5 + 9 aloud, he can't do it. He can't transfer the concept as they haven't "taught" it. Just done memorizing. Is anyone else seeing this w/ their children and the school? I'm honestly not really upset w/ teh teachers but how they are told to teach. Okay, so I am upset w/ the ones who do not speak english properly on a daily basis. lots of site word memorizing and math memorizing instead of phonics and learned concepts for math. sorry for the ramble. Just wondering if others are having issues as well. Take care, stephanie--mom to 7
You are asking why the change since you were in school? Are you kidding? The reason they focus so much on the EOG is because it is so high stakes now. Any one involved in the schools in the last ten years knows that EOG testing results have become way too important- especially becuase of the federal NCLB. Schools are expected to educate everyone to the same level no matter their disability, homelife, effort level, etc. As a fellow teacher said in regards to leaving no child behind: We can lead them to the bus, but we can not make them get on on time, with all of their supplies, ready to learn and work hard.
Stephanie, As a side note, can you tell this non-parent what the differences between self-contained, EC, B/ED, HQ, etc. are? Thanks in advance!
I once rec'd one of those notes from a teacher that was full of horrible grammar. It was preposterous. Double negatives, terrible spelling. I corrected the errors on the note with a red pen...just like a teacher would do with student work...and sent a copy of it to the teacher in an envelope with my daughter. The original I sent - with the red marks - to the principal along with a note stating that if employees where I work sent such horrid correspondence to a customer they would be fired, and I expect no less in correspondence from a teacher to me, the parent...the customer. I rec'd an apology from the principal.
Abdulina, I know that you Posted something similar to this on another Thread. It seems to me that you don't think any teacher educating your children is doing it the right way. I just don't believe that. When discussing grammar errors and spelling you might want to check your own. I do feel for you are trying but every teacher cannot be at fault. Grace
Bostonredhead, Sorry about all the symbols. EC--exceptional children (another "politically correct term for special ed) OHI--other health impaired (one of the categories a child can fall under. ADHD; FAS--fetal alcohol syndrome; CAPD(central auditory processing disorder; etc. kids fit this category) SLP--speech language pathology Resource-- pull out classes for extra help in reading/ writing/ and math self-contained-- an all day special ed class. It is the next step after you've tried max resource time unsuccessfully BED--behavioral education department (behavioral children, but usually more extreme behavioral issues than ADHD) IEP--individual education plan-- something a "team"(composed of parents, teachers, etc) comes up w/ to help the children OT--occpational therapy PT--physical therapy ST--speech therapy HQ-- not sure what that one means. I've never heard of that one before I know you proabably know alot of those but I know when I was first learning, it took me awhile. I've now become an expert at acronyms--LOL. I deal w/ 7 IEP's but meet a couple times a year. So, essentially, do a few IEP meetings a month. It's nuts at times. I literally had a teacher jump out at me from across the table in a meeting years ago. I will never forget that. Left a bad taste in my mouth as I thought to myself this is a professional acting like a 2yo in a meeting. Some times, I wished I had video taped the meetings. Magnolia, That is an excellent idea!!! I never thought of that...to correct and send back. And true....if I had corresponded like that to one of my customers/clients at work, I too would have been fired. Great idea and I may just use that one. Gee, we do get good ideas off this board.
Grace, I'm not saying every teacher is doing a bad job. Not by a long shot. I have commended many all the way up to the DPI(department of public instruction) in writing. I did this back in 2005. Gave them names of teachers I thought truly deserved a medal for the wonderful job they are doing in teaching. I nominate ones who deserve it on those local contests. I know some radio stations did this a few years ago. But, my children have had some horrible situations happen to them along the years and all b/c of the special education system here. I had a son in 5th grade whose IEP stated stability is critical in his academic career. In 5th grade, it was his 6th elementary school b/c Johnston county kept moving the special ed kids around. I don't think this was fair to do to him. Not to any child. I have some friends who have hired lawyers. I have never done that. I always feel we as adults should be able to work it out. However, the special ed system here has deteriorated over the years. Do you think it's right to leave a wheelchair bound student on a bus during a field trip. They forgot about her. Realized it after about 20 minutes. Think of how she felt. I can state over and over the injustices that have been done. I can give proof of how some of my childrens' education deteriorated over the year based on what teacher they had. Yet, I had one teacher who finally believed my daughter had potential instead of looking at just a score as previous teachers had done. Sure enough, that year, she learned to read and was able to get out of self-contained. A teacher can truly turn a child's life around. I have met unbelieveably dedicated teachers over the years. On the other hand, there have been bad as well. And no, I know when I type fast on the computer, I do not use correct grammar. Not many of us on these boards do. I also don't expect perfect grammar from my kids either. However, the slang and garbage talk I hear has to go. I am angry at this IEP situation currently as it not only affects my child but others in the classroom. Why should my child affect the learning of others? I don't want my child to be a disruption to others in the classroom who are trying to learn. I am sure other parents would appreciate this fact. I'm not only doing what is best for my child but for the class as a whole. YEt the school seems to drag their feet on the issue. The teachers have already admitted they can not teach him that he needs a specialized class. The special education system is NOT the same as teh regular ed system. It is more involved, requires parents to be their own advocates, and dedication to do work at home w/ them as well. My goal is not to bash teachers. Right now though, I am dealing w/ one that is being rather difficult. I did not even say what happened w/ the other teacher. She told the students "you can tell your parents anything but the school believes me, not them." What?! I know there was a thread awhile back about all the ahppenings at this middle school and what happened to their children. I did not participate in that thread but read each one. I was shocked but then again, not really. so I know for a fact I'm not the only one this has happened to. I honestly just want an education for my kids that I had here years ago. I know times have children but I still believe teachers and parents can work together and have the children succeed. Got to go. Sorry if I offended anyone. Not my intentions. Just really want ideas from other IEP parents on how to get a meeting to happen when not even the principal or vice principal will return your call. Like I said, this is not affecting just my child, but others in the class as well. Take care, Stephanie--mom to 7
Asking for a meting on Saturday is unreasonable given teachers are not working. However, it is not unreasonable to request a meeting at the end of the student school day. Handbook on Parental Rights http://www.ncpublicschools.org/docs/ec/policy/resources/englishhandbook.pdf Make ALL requests in writing via certified mail. You need a good paper trail. Be sure you have exhausted trying to work with the school before requesting mediation.
Possible resource for you ... Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center • 800-962-6817 or 704-892-1321 www.ecac-parentcenter.org This is the North Carolina Parent Training and Information Center (PTI) that provides free information and assistance with educational issues to parents of children with disabilities. They offer workshops, a lending library, newsletter, and a Parent Information Line answered by parents.
Grace here we go again. Clearly an Uneducated response. Every single child has a RIGHT to an IEP. It is mandated by the State Board of Education. This is just another teacher trying to dictate and not wanting to do paperwork. This will also make teachers accountable for the child's education. Since every child is not perfect like yours other parents will need to enforce the rules set by DPI in Raleigh. The problem here is the Mother needs to contact DPI. Inform them. Then they, DPI, will come down with an iron fist. A school board can't over throw a decision by the State Department of Public Instruction. Knowledge is power. Contact DPI.
Stephanie....sorry that you are still having problems w/IEP. We did ours at least a month ago, the timing wasn't perfect because yes, I did have to go in the middle of the day. But I figured what is one day of bad timing compared to an entire year of my son suffering. That being said, the teachers can't be completely responsible, if you feel that you IEP's are not being followed, then by all means you go to whomever it takes how ever many times it takes and you let them know. All teachers don't specifically go word by word sometimes, because they give the child the chance to try first, once they realize the "normal" way is not working, then the IEP should be strickly adhered to. I realize that all situation vary, and maybe there is an underlying reasoning behind what is going on. Maybe the school staff doens't feel that you child qualifies for self-contained, sometimes those classes are actually have more of a negetive impact on a child. Anyway, just my 2 cents worth.
Make sure that everything, I mean EVERYthing, is documented, even if you have to keep a diary as to who said what and when, who you spoke with, when you called/left a message/mailed a letter/faxed. I would escalate it to the next level...is that the Superintendent or is there someone between the principal and that level? The most important thing is to not give up the fight for your child. I have a friend that fought the school system from the time her son was in kindergarten until now (he is a senior in high school) Along the way the school did several underhanded things, losing things, fudging numbers, pushing him through. He was also diagnosed with a slow growing brain tumor and as having ADD, finally, in about 8th grade. She finally found a school that cared enough to really help her son in high school, and even then it was only with a select guidance counselor and a handful of teachers. The rest just wanted him out of their hair, off of their charts, away from their bonuses.
Once again you know not what you speak of. This was on another Thread a while back. Do complete research on something (one) before you state mine is an uneducated response. Leave me alone and get a life. Grace
I agree with Momof3 and NC Mom, they really did give an excellent suggestion with documentation and the certified mail. I would definately follow that! I really dont have much suggestion to give, just impressed that there are actually parents out there who give a daym about their kid's education and not afraid to be vocal when they feel something is wrong. I hope you get this issued resolved. Good luck to you!!!!