Gas Chambers ARE BANNED in NC

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by JSatterfield, Nov 8, 2007.

  1. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member

    In four years, but hey that's a start.
    And it wouldn't make sense for a shelter to spend thousands of dollars on a new gas chamber if their chamber breaks! GO FURBALLS! YOU DID IT!

    NEW Proposed Rules for North Carolina Animal Shelters

    November 8, 2007 : 12:51 AM
    Your letters are needed now!

    NEW Proposed Rules for North Carolina Animal Shelters

    By Michele King, Best Friends Network

    The North Carolina Department of Agriculture's Animal Welfare Section, headed by Dr. Lee Hunter, has rewritten its proposed new rules for animal shelters statewide. The new rules are not yet in effect, and are open for written comments until December 31, 2007. Please take a few moments to send a letter with your opinions on the rules at the link below.

    The first attempt at new shelter rules was debated during last July's public hearing with the Board of Agriculture in Raleigh. Representatives from national organizations including American Humane Association, In Defense of Animals, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and Humane Society of the United States gave speeches at the hearing, along with residents from across North Carolina. There was enough energy in the room to move a mountain. That mountain is moving, one grain of dirt at a time, as animal lovers insist on humane treatment of our sheltered animals.

    Training, euthanasia, facilities and transporting are addressed in the regulations. The proposed rules have been published in the North Carolina Register and will become part of state law if they pass, affecting every animal shelter in our state.

    Perhaps the most stunning of the rules calls for a "Carbon Monoxide Sunset" in the year 2012. Proposed rule .0601 reads, "...carbon monoxide shall cease to be permissible under these rules and applicable law as of January 1, 2012. From that date forward, the use of carbon monoxide as a method of euthanasia in certified shelters is prohibited."

    But don't get too excited. What follows is a huge loophole. The second half of the paragraph says, "This prohibition shall not apply to extraordinary circumstances..." So gas chambers will still be allowed after they are "prohibited"! This is not acceptable. Besides, why wait four more years to get rid of the darn things?

    And just what are "extraordinary circumstances"? Rule .0701 explains it this way. "An extraordinary circumstance or situation includes but is not limited to a situation which is offsite from the shelter, in which an animal poses a significant or immediate risk to life, limb or public health and in which no alternative, less extreme measure of euthanasia is feasible." The words "not limited to" seem to make the definition of extraordinary cirumstances unlimited. It is not limited to any of the situations mentioned.

    The next rule .0702 allows for gunshot and "other extreme methods of euthanasia" to be used in extraordinary circumstances. There is no explanation of what these other extreme methods are. Then rule .0704 explains that in extraordinary circumstances, "the person performing the euthanasia is not required to be a Certified Euthanasia Technician."

    So let me see if I have this straight. Carbon monoxide gas chambers will be prohibited, but only after 4 years, and then they will still be allowed sometimes. Extraordinary circumstances are pretty much unlimited, and in those situations the person killing does not have to be certified and can use extreme methods to kill.

    Excuse me while I beat my head against the wall.

    There are more problems with the upcoming regulations. Rule .0602 under Carbon Monoxide Equipment says, "(5) Death shall occur within five minutes of beginning the administration of the gas; (6) Animals shall remain in the chamber with carbon monoxide for a minimum of 20 minutes." This is a contradiction, since death cannot be properly verified while the animals are still in the chamber. There is no way that all animals will be dead in 5 minutes. Many survive the first gassing.

    Rule .0418 "Duties of a Certified Euthanasia Technician" does not require verification of death before disposing of animals. This is a major problem, given reports of animals waking up in landfills, freezers, and dumpsters after being assumed dead.

    Rule .0408 allows for a person with a conflict of interest to teach euthanasia, as long as he discloses the conflict of interest. Should we as taxpayers foot the bill for this?

    Rule .0407 B-6 requires training to include "Proper euthanasia techniques not utilizing injected chemical agents." Since more than half of animal shelters in North Carolina now euthanize by injection only, why should they be required to learn another method?

    On the positive side, there is an improvement under the Veterinary Care section .0210. If a disease problem persists for more than 30 days at a facility, the facility operator shall not only obtain, but must also FOLLOW a veterinarian's written recommendations. That's progress.

    Another welcome change is the removal of the exemption for animals transported for less than 1 hour. The original draft allowed for extreme hot or cold temperatures during transport of pets to shelters.

    Read the full set of rules at this link:
    Scroll down to pages 774-782.

    What You Can Do:

    Any person may object to the proposed rules by
    submitting a written statement of objection(s) to:

    David S.McLeod, Secretary
    NC Board of Agriculture
    1001 Mail Service Center
    Raleigh, NC 27699-1001

    Please send a letter! Your 41 cents stamp could help save thousands of pets from suffering in our shelters each year. You must include the numbers of the rules to which you object.
  2. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I could care less how they kill the population of animals that are running wild. Sounds like a money making opportunity overseas where house pets can be food. Fry em up.
  3. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member

    That's a lovely post.
    Jesus loves you though
  4. JCG

    JCG Well-Known Member

    The next rule .0702 allows for gunshot and "other extreme methods of euthanasia" to be used in extraordinary circumstances. There is no explanation of what these other extreme methods are. Then rule .0704 explains that in extraordinary circumstances, "the person performing the euthanasia is not required to be a Certified Euthanasia Technician."

    I would think that an animal with rabies would apply here. There is a rabies epidemic in some counties now.

    When you live in a rural area as I do, you realize that rural areas are dumping grounds for unwanted pets. these tame animals wonder up at our door steps wanting food. We have to be the bad people that call the animal control. There are more unwanted animals than people wanting them. So what is the answer? I have one answer, put stiff penalties against these people that are dropping these animals off.
  5. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    In summary, how are they going to euthanasize an over abundant and unwanted domestic animal population? I am interested in knowing more on the topic, but not in downloading over 700 pages of material on the subject.
  6. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Really. Will this turn into a death row debate, where they will be given a lethal injection, but a vet must be present but due to laws a vet cannot assist in the euthanasia of a perfectly healthy animal, and blah blah blah...

    Curious, how will the shelters pay for this. Are they all donation based or does the county subsidize them?

    GO FURBALLS, our taxes will be raised in 2012 - as if we won't have enough going on with the sunspots, the aliens, and locusts.
  7. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member

    I personally don't have a problem with gunshot in EXTREME situations like they are talking about. Rabies, etc. I'm sure that most Animal Control officers would not SHOOT, unless they feel they are in danger.

    Cleopatra - It has been verified that EBI is actually cheaper than the gas chamber. So maybe your taxes will actually decrease.
    Amazing huh?
  8. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Oh, I doubt taxes will ever DECREASE. They will just get rolled over and redistributed, much like Ken's Cingular Minutes.

    Maybe with the extra money we will get a dogpark, Hooray! /sarcasm
  9. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member

    With EBI (a painless way of death, done by a certifed worker)

    EBI is an extremely fast way compared to the gas chamber which can take up to 45 minutes.

    They are going to be killed either way, at least they will die safe in the arms of a compassionate person. It will be cheaper,faster and safer all around.

    And many many Animal Control officers LOATHE the gas chamber, so this should make their working environment better!

    Praise JESUS!
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2007
  10. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I know he does. and thank you for reminding me.
  11. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member

    LOL! Do you know the liability and insurance for a dog park? I don't think a dog park is warranted and needed. JMHO
  12. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Where I live they are almost in every city park. Just for Dogs. The liability is for the irresponsible pet owners. It is posted on each entry way. The city is not liable. Your dog is your risk. Be responsible.
  13. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Do you know the liability and the insurance?? Lets hear it.
  14. Clif

    Clif Guest

    You know this for sure? Have you personally tried it?

    Every way of death that we aren't currently using is painless, cheaper, etc. When we start using it, though, it becomes inhumane, painful, and just plain wrong.

    If you ask me, those who are against euthanasia are in favour of animals starving to death on the streets.
  15. le

    le Well-Known Member

    fo sho but whatta darn funny thought.

    oppose the death penalty. have your pet spayed or neutered.
  16. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I was being sarcastic, somebody wanted one last week.
  17. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    There's always one lunatic in the crowd, and you, my little furball friend, are the one. If the end result is the same, wouldn't a .22 to the head be quicker and less painless? So who will pay the bills and/or the rising insurance costs of the "certified" technicians when they get bitten or scratched because they now have to handle the pets more? I'm so happy you've directed your attention to this pointless subject and not worried with those senseless subjects like homeless people, hungry children, global warming, etc.
  18. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Space Cowboy 1 = Furball 0
  19. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Can someone take your temperature???? Are you feeling ok?? usually she would be shredded by now. I feel let down!!
  20. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member


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