Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by d15pwer, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    As a Christian, we are ourselves temples and a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit, who is fully God. When we attend a church in expectations of continued attendance (whether as a visitor or a potential member) we should go in and be "in tune" with what the Spirit is telling us. Remember that the Apostle Paul reminds us that our spirit is in constant fellowship with the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit dwells in the church as He does in your heart, you will know if the Holy Spirit is there.
  2. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Published: Nov 11, 2007

  3. JCG

    JCG Well-Known Member

    So, so, true.:mrgreen:
  4. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Well, I donate money to other causes that help us American people, I do not give to the Church as that money obviously does not help the American people, it probably goes overseas, and also funds the big guys pockets.....
  5. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    No, not always..........Some churches use it for a food pantry they may have that GIVES AWAY the food to the needy IN THE COMMUNITY who SHOW UP for it on the day it is being distributed. Our church does that as well as seeing to the elderly in the rest homes and nursing homes.
  6. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    houses for some to big

    In regards to their homes. the guy from Claifornia that was helping with the music ministry He can afford to have a $450k home. Ken can afford to have what he has also b/c of his past & his present living.

    Pastor Matt on the other hand as I have stated in the past...................4 homes!!!

    He is in the rental business. C3 pays for his residence in Broadmoor. I don't remember the exact amount that your tithes are paying for this home but it is up there. As I have stated in the past. The church memebers have to vote on where all the money is going. When I was there for several years they would have a vote but you never saw paperwork on where all the money was going. That right there is a RED FLAG!!!!

    As I have stated b4 Matt is living beyond where he should be. Brand new cars I see again that he is driving around in. Also I was shopping at Lowes foods in Clayton last week & he went buy with his son & his cart he was on a mission with his little list & said hi & you know IGNORED US AGAIN This is a consistent thing with him!!! He thinks by hiding under a baseball cap no one will recognize him & then they was he pulled out of that parking lot. LORD HAVE MERCY. Yes I do know about the special prayers he has held for the business people. I saw it first hand. I also know that We had prayer requests in & no one ever contacted us either. This is when the church was 1/2 the size. My other church had about the same & you know I got phone calls from them. Neither here nor there. For those that feel they belong then that is a choice & for us that don't the same thing. No one is perfect but remember he is a leader leading his church & what direction are you going??
  7. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    If you're not a Christian with that point of view, its understandable. However, I am a Christian and I accept it as fact that what we have is what the Lord wants us to be caretakers of; sensibly using it both to supply our needs and to see that others' needs are cared for.
  8. Rex

    Rex Well-Known Member

    It appears you have a vendetta. I know for a fact that a few things you mentioned above are false. If the Pastor is such a bad guy and you are such a perfect Christian, then would it not be proper for you to remain silent and simply pray for him?
  9. JCG

    JCG Well-Known Member

    we need a smiley that claps hands, can any one see to that?
  10. justme989

    justme989 Guest

    You can't debate with c3rs,anytime we point out something about their sermon factory we have a personal vendetta..they're always right we're always wrong.This discussion just proves it the more they open their mouths..........c3 is a joke
  11. Niese

    Niese Well-Known Member

    Now that totally was NOT necessary WS!
  12. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I thought it was hilarious, dca! Sorry! :lol:
  13. ws

    ws Well-Known Member

    whoa, my post got deleted....

    thats censorship!!!!
  14. Rex

    Rex Well-Known Member

    You are right about not being able to debate without it appearing to be a vendetta when the post was filled with obvious lies. The only jokes on here are posts from people who are trying to bring down a group of Christians dedicating their lives to serve Jesus Christ.
  15. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    No, you just have a personal grudge with them and they have none with you. The reason they always have an explanation is because they think more rational than you. They look more on the positive side and look for a way to solve the problem rather than ranting and raving about it on a message board.

    I don't support C3 and don't care to go there for my own reasons but yours are silly.
  16. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I just love it when "Christians" bash churches, because that's real "christian" of them, don't ya think?

  17. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Actually just the fact that y'all seem so infatuated with this church amazes me. There are (probably) more churches in Johnston County than cemeteries and used car lots combined, and yet you insist on picking on this particular church. The church does you no harm. You are not required to attend. And yet you insist on posting, unsolicited, derogatory comments about this church.

    And you wonder why people believe you have a vendetta?
  18. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I was thinking the same thing. :p
  19. aydansnana

    aydansnana Well-Known Member

    The church does you no harm. You are not required to attend. And yet you insist on

    Very well said Clif - some sound like a broken record on this subject -thanks
  20. mispuddin

    mispuddin Guest

    I have never set foot in that church but I do know someone who goes there and have had some communications with Matt Frye out in the community as an individual. He seemed nice enough and I don't doubt what some of you are saying but I know of one particular church in the county that has misled it members and all but dissolved because the preacher has chose to teach the members of the church that it is ok to take his child to the bar and others in the church to drink beer and liquor. Now for those who have found peace within a church and have given their heart to the Lord and been delivered from alcohol and drugs do you think that is proper teaching??? Now if C3 is not appearing to be more of a cult than a church then why the bashing? There are more hypocrites in the churches than there are churches, so for those Christian folks who live the Christian life are you being a hypocrite when you choose to slander another church. Maybe there are times when you should pray for those in the church instead of demeaning them. Maybe they are not the type of Southern Baptist church that me and many others grew up in and wants to continue to be a part of but things will never be that way again. Things and people change but always keep in mind that as long as you do the right thing and live right, pray for those who need it and help those in need, that is all you have to anser for. You can't judge those who don't do as you think they should, the time will come for that.

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