We are upgrading our kitchen appliances. I currently have a stove for sale here and on craigslist. We plan to put our refrigerator on later this week. If they don't sell is there anywhere that would accept used appliances and pick them up?
There's a yahoo group called freecycle. Trust me, put those on freecycle (you have to join it (for free) first) which takes a couple of seconds, and then those will be taken within hours. the site is www.freecycle.org
Put them in the "Free" section of Craigslist- but expect to be barraged with emails from people who say they want it, but many of them end up not showing up. If you can deal with them- you WILL get rid of almost anything if it's free! You can also call American Vets, they run 2 thrift stores in Raleigh/Garner and I'm pretty sure they will take them- I've seen a section in the back of the Garner store with lots of used appliances in it. Good luck!
If you are also going to change out your dishwasher I would be interested. Mine died about 6 months ago
Helping Hands Mission in Raleigh accepts large appliances http://www.helpinghandmission.org/donations.html One of the most best friends I ever had's life was save by this place. Sadly, he's passed on. I learned so much from him in the short time I hade the pleasure of knowing him. :cry: Habitat Hand Me Up Stores http://www.habitathandmeups.org/donate/index.php The DAV has fliers that say they will come get them, but I've never has one worth giving away. :? No info about on the website though Johnston County Chapter 44 Disabled American Veterans 213 N. Seventh Street Smithfield, NC 27577 919-989-7177 Fax 919-989-7177 PO Box 28146 Raleigh, NC 28146 NCDAV Ph: 919-833-5567 Fax: 919-832-1692 The DAV site lits what they will accept but I don't know where any of their thrift stores are... http://www.davthriftstores.com/davthrift/HowToDonate/DonationRestrictions/tabid/62/Default.aspx http://www.choose2care.org/donate2.html This came up for some reason. Choose2Care - (eye birth defects research foundation) Online Charity Donation Center - we accept donations from all over the USA, we arrange pickup Also, I bet there are a few daycare facilities, churches, vet facilities or shelters that may accept them.
thanks. Dishwashers seem to go fast. Even on craigslist and freecycle. I guess they just don't last as long as other kitchen appliances. Good luck finding homes for your other appliances