No, "thou" always means "you", and never, ever means Jesus. It's a reference to thos people who think that they pray harder than others, or are in someother way more religious. I know this because I use the phrase a lot, especially here on 4042. There are many on here (both "Christian" and non) who have no problem telling you just how bad of a person you are, either directly or by bragging about how much better of a person they are.
So are alot of other people here but that does not stop people from scrutinizing everything they say. And I don't see anyone defending them.
Animal lover, I know you weren't directing that to me, but that's how I find out. My opportunity comes up alot when I'm serving papers on someone, especially divorces and foreclosures, one of the most stressful times in a person's life. Most likely this will be the only time I will ever see this person again, so I don't want to squander an opportunity to witness for the Lord. I will start up a conversation with them and usually ask them where they stand "spiritually". Their response will dictate how I respond, but my ultimate goal is to point them toward Jesus. Many times we will pray TOGETHER at their request. I have yet to have anyone take offense or resent my speaking with them about their spiritual condition. Whenever I am assigned to courtroom security I will always start up a conversation with anyone (men or women) I have in custody waiting to go before a judge. I'll look at their "blue sheets" (list of charges) to see why we have them in custody and I'll start up a conversation like this: "Mr. Jones, I see you're in here for selling some drugs. Let me ask you a question, if during one of your drug deals someone decided they just weren't going to pay for them and just kill you for them, where would you spend eternity?" Not one inmate, no matter how hardenend, has ever refused to talk with me about their salvation. Now, that doesn't mean they all made that life-changing decision to follow Christ, but at least I planted a seed. Hopefully, it gets watered, but that's out of my hands. YOU, the person reading this post, may be the person that waters that seed. That inmate could have bonded out or been put on parole and is now working in a business that you go to, and you'll be led by the Holy Spirit to talk to this person. As a matter of fact, that's why you're at this particular business today, anyway, to witness to this person. Don't let that opportunity pass! As for the women in custody, it breaks my heart even worse to see a woman or young girl in handcuffs and leg irons. It's something that will never leave your memory. This is someone's mother, daughter, or sister. Most have been in an abusive relationship from a very young age. Very few had any sort of Christian influence in their life - especially from their Father! The pain and suffering and mental anguish etched in their eyes is as plain as the words in this post. Both men and women are starving for something better in their life. They have tried just about everything in the book, searching for something that will give them some peace in their heart, but most of all they ALL are searching for someone to LOVE and BE LOVED back! Jesus Christ is the ONLY answer! How do I know what they are looking for? Because they will tell me this, especially when I get them alone, after all the other inmates have been sent back to the jail. Now, it's just a one-on-one conversation - me and the inmate. No other inmates to posture in front of and put on some sort of false bravado. As we talk, tears will well up in their eyes and, just for a moment sometimes, that hardenend exterior wall they have lived behind for most of their lives, will crack just a little. Pray for those who are in jail today, whether Johnston Co, Wake, where ever. And, I haven't asked this yet, but to my Christian brothers and sisters, keep me in your prayers that I may be faithful to the leading of the Holy Spirit as I go from day to day.
Kent, I am not trying to stir up to big a stink here, you seem like a very good person, but are you doing this proselytizing while being paid by the government? Is that a part of your job (such as being a Chaplin)?
Thanks for your comments, and as far as I'm concerned it is wrong to treat any other person in any way that belittles them or hurts them. Hebrews 13:2 tells us -Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Now wouldn't it be awful to treat someone bad when the person is possibly an angel?
I thought this was a very simple and non-judgemental answer to the original question posed. Why argue over this topic? Why tear apart another person's opinion in a mean spirited way? No...the above response posted by Karmol said it just fine for Christians.
Hugh, you are causing my dictionary's pages to become fraid, using all those big words. I looked it up, proselytizing= try to convert somebody. I do my Proselytizing all over the place, grocery store, hospitals, doctors offices. Just today when I went to Chapel Hill to get my 3mo. check up. I prayed with a woman that had spent the night in the ER with her sister. and asked her whether or not she knew Jesus Christ as her savior. Christian are suppose to plant seeds. and then pray that those seeds grow and take bossom. I think that Kent is doing just what God wants him to do. plant seeds.
My question is are you using my tax dollars to do it? If not, knock yourself out, if you are, stop it.
Celebr8him reminds me of someone else who used to post here all the time but suddenly...went away? Hmmmmm?? Could be wrong though??
Per the Constitution, you cannot stop him/her. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
while he is serving papers on someone, ie being paid by, and acting as an agent of, the government? the original question was not posed to jcg, but rather to kent
The chief priests began to accuse Him harshly. Then Pilate questioned Him again, saying, "Do You not answer? See how many charges they bring against You!" But Jesus made no further answer; so Pilate was amazed. Mark 15:3-5
right. so we point out that what you are doing is in essence against the law, and you respond with scripture as if we were oppressing you? baloney. are you comparing yourself to jesus? whatever. your response has nothing to do with the question. much like jcg says "i'm not saying you're going to hell, i'm just pointing out to you where in the bible it says you're going to hell". smooth....
I say that Jesus Himself said, John3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Also John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him,I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. I shall not tell any one that they are going anywhere after this life. I can't judge that. no more than you can. That is left to higher powers, Thank God.