Ok everyone that would like me to leave and never come back to this site vote I. But let me explain one thing to all of you. I meant no harm, I judged not. I only did what the Lord tells all Christians to do. But you know the Bible also states that if people will not except you witnessing as you leave kick the dust off you shoes. I planted my seeds and must have shaken lose soil that was distrubing. and if I have said anything that has hurt anyone I hope you will forgive, just as I have forgiven you.
Thanks for chiming in my fellow hell goers :lol: we are not really going to hell but I will have a "reserved" spot in Heaven for the cool people. :lol::lol: Had to get some work done and open my MILLER LITE! later tater tots - more work to do - it's never ending :mrgreen:
It's not that you are harming anyone or that you are judging anyone but you are in fact in a round about way pushing your beliefs on the people here buy your posts. I mean how would you feel if someone started posting daily sayings promoting Athism (sp) or Satanism? Probably wouldn't take to kindly to it now would you? Well the same goes for the constant religion posts that are common here on the 4042 forums. :lol: On a side note remember "Don't Drink the Kool-Aid" Craig
Just like the one about beer, I would not go to that thread:!: :!: :!: :!: :!: I would stay off it because it is not what I believe is for me. You see I don't think that drinking beer is all that bad. But things have gotten way out of hand because people were putting words in my mouth that I did not say, and drawing their own concludions as to what i did or did not mean. And some being, well to be honest as to how I feel, just plain spiteful. Maybe I did go about things wrong, but some one could have said in plain language to me instead of the way they went about it. Just like your comment "Don't Drink the Kool-Aid" I don't really know what you mean by it, but I am sure it was said to hurt. So you see in my opinion there has been a lot of errows here, on both sides.
Don't you think you're being just a tad over-sensitive? I think he was just making a joke, and not necessarily at your expense. You want people to be straightforward with you, and your feelings are hurt when they are. At the same time when people state their objection to being told they are going to hell, you say it was not you who said that, but the Bible. Well, it was you who pointed out that you think the Bible says that. Not everyone interprets everything in the Bible the same way. Why else would there be so many different denominations within Christianity? Try to keep in mind that everybody here has their own opinions, and if someone's opinion is not the same as yours, they do not mean to hurt your feelings or say you are not a good person. I'm sure you are a good person, but a lot of your posts do come across as judgmental. Even though you may feel it's not you saying those things, you are the messenger who chooses to carry a certain message, and those who take offense will take it out on you. So - back to the basic newbie advice - don't take anything personal! Just relax and enjoy the discussions. You may even learn something new, and the rest of us may learn something from you.
Now that's an explanation that I can respect. And I still don't know what was meant by the Kool aid thing. And my feelings are not hurt, I just don't like all the bad things that were being said. and as I said some were just being plain spiteful. making it personal. And I guess they maybe thought I was too, But truly it was not intended. I do respect ones opinion. If one would say to me that they were a Hindu, Muslin, what ever. I would simply say that I believe differently. If they quoted the religious material to me I would say I agree or disagree with them, and I would stay off that thread. Not keep going on and making ugly comments! I hope you can understand my point of view too.
Hell yeah, stocked up for Turkey day :mrgreen: Looked like an alcoholic coming out of LF, but it's NOT all for me! :twisted:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LXuNpF6NVg&eurl=http://cynical-c.com/ Sorry I could not hold back! :twisted: From my friends at http://cynical-c.com/
I see that some of us are not as knowledgeable as others. The saying Don't drink the Kool-aid has long refered to Jim Jones and his follows whom he poisoned with Kool-Aid, and is meant as a saying for people to not follow blindly as his followers did. If you can find hurt in that then you need to do a lot of soul searching. Craig
Mark Hall - Casting Crowns - Testimony Has the Devil has been taunting you and saying that God doesn't need you? Well, the Devil's right. God doesn't NEED you or me. But, guess what? And this is the awesome part! God WANTS you! That's right. GOD....WANTS....YOU! I encourage you to stick with Mark on all 3 parts. Part 1: http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=a3ba03f1aedc8db12cdb Part 2: http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=c0773c43715990c1c1eb Part 3: http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=534ea2619ca03b5649af Some of my favorite Casting Crown songs: Who Am I - http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=69e8c2aa22913a0d91b2 Lifesong - http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=9a5bc0fa34381bf42fbd Praise You In The Storm - http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=409dd854ebeaea7db546