Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by d15pwer, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I don't attend church, nor tithe. Would Jesus claim his tithing on his taxes? My guess is "no".
  2. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Personally I don't claim an donations (that I make voluntarily) on my taxes. Claiming it is just spreading it to people who possibly did not intend to donate to that cause.
  3. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    threw me off too ... 'course that's really not all that hard to do.
  4. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Hey, it made sense to me.

    Claiming donations on your taxes is just a liberal ploy to take from some to give to others.

    If I give a donation to the United Nazi College Fund, and then claim the donation on my taxes (accepting, for the sake of argument, that this imaginary organization is eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions) that means that taxes you pay will be given back to me, in effect meaning that you are (at least partially) donating to the "UNCF".
  5. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    I say that allll the time!

  6. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Ok. How many people just googled auto-didactic?
  7. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Not me.
  8. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    how do you think i feel!! whew! can'y even get out of my own driveway! let alone get the mail on certain nights.
    Some of those great christians rushing to service or whatever - darn near run down people!
    politemess must stop at the door.
  9. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Growing up in a local Methodist church, when they had fund raisers members of the congregation would donate everything for the fundraisers. As an example, the pork bbq fundraiser was all donated. Local member would donate several pigs, local farmers would donate potatos and green beans, many of the women in the church would bake deserts and donate them to the church, and the people serving and cooking donated their time to do so. All funds raised went back into the churches coffers to help offset some of the expenses that they would incure during the time between fundraisers, such as helpping feed the needy or paying for needed medication for their members whom could not afford it. Or simply sending flowers to a long standing member on their birthday whom can no longer attend due to health issues.

    My great grand mother who lived to be 101 years old grew up and attended the same church all her life and once she became unable to attend the church, the church went to her as often as it could, via medications, visits from the minister, flowers on special occasions (birthday, christmas, etc.) and even picking up and transporting her to the grave site of my great-grandfather on their aniversary.

  10. clive

    clive Well-Known Member

    I guess I've "lurked" long enough.......
    I, like others, am continually amazed that this is the only church in the area that continues to stir up such conversations and negative presumptions. It is very prophetic, though.
    And why do many also presume that an individual cannot be financially successful and also serve Jesus Christ? There are plenty of examples in the bible and throughout history where God has blessed His people with wealth when they were faithful to Him.
    I bet Billy Graham's house is bigger than anyone who is on staff at C3...(what a heathen!! lol..) It doesn't bother me a bit.
    I'm still wondering how the student got "stiffed" though...???
  11. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I was raised Southern Baptist, and we didn't do fundraising period. We instead did "Love" offerings. After the normal tithe, the Pastor would explain what hardship a member of the church or member of the community was experiencing and then people would donate money directly to that cause.

    Other than that difference, it seems like our churches were very much alike in the way it took care of the followers. My elderly mother is still a member and someone from the church is always on her doorstep checking on her. If she doesn't show up for church on Sunday, someone is either stopping by to check on her or calling to check on her, etc. She has learned if she is going out of town to let them know a head of time...LOL

    They were wonderful when my Dad was sick and eventually passed, really helped out with all the stuff we had to deal with.
  12. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member


    First of all Rex I don't post lies I post the truth. For instance the lady named Patience today. But ugly rude at the shopping center today. I just poliety said HI how are you???

    What I got- NASTY. Until I called her out & said Patience c3 right? boy then they charm came on....... No it wasn't she was upset b/c of what she has been through it was she couldn't be bothered until I said who & where she was from same thing a month ago when I saw her at a restaurant

    As for a Vendetta you are insane there. I have no vendetta with anyone. C3 is a freakin joke & so are you stating things as to which u know nothing about. Keep on protecting what you feel the need.

    For instance Matt had a house in four oaks that was "given " to him which he sold & used the money to put down on his house in Broadmor. Yes he indeed is/was a "slum Lord" also look up the dam information yourself. Maybe when I called him out on it two years ago maybe that is when he got rid of all the properties. Documentaion down town does not lie.

    As for me stating about Mr "Chadbourne" himself I know where he grew up & how he grew up & what I said was positive & as for the dude from Cali. Well yeah two years ago that was a truth but maybe he left also. I wouldn't know b/c I don't go there & why b/c they wanted certain families to donate money to C3 who did not go there but other family members did b/c of how much they were worth. I was one of the ones that got a letter telling me how much I should be giving so DOn't for one second call me a LIAR!!! Much less with a vendetta.

    As for the voting that is true. For the several years I was there they had ballots & no paperwork. By law the church has to show where the money goes to how much the pastor makes & how much the associates make, how much they donated to other causes & yada yada yada.
    Just like anything in this world nothing is perfect & C3 is far from it & each person has a right to their opinion. The church is no longer a Church it is now a business. Or that is what it will be soon enough when it opens.
  13. aydansnana

    aydansnana Well-Known Member


    Geez, grow up and get a life and we are how old- some of these post sound like Kindergarten conversations -stop worrying about everyone else and how they got to where they are in life - it doesn't matter and you're getting worked up over something you have no control over and can not change
  14. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    You are right I was just pointing out my opion which I thought I was entilted to do
  15. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Did you mean ST. Arbucks?
  16. clive

    clive Well-Known Member

    Okay, LI-bratz, I'll call you a liar. You imply that C3 sent you a letter with a specific dollar amount that represented what they thought you ought to give. I don't believe for one second that you received any such letter. I do believe that you're angry about something. Your rants sound very juvenile and haphazard. Liar, liar, pants on fire!!!
  17. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Aren't almost all churches a business?

    And no I am not talking about a group of ferrets.
  18. clive

    clive Well-Known Member

    St. Arbucks........now that's funny!!!
  19. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

  20. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    OK...I'll admit...that's funny.

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