this afternoon on the beltline there was a motorcycle cop sitting on the Capital blvd overpass, looking toward the traffic and after I went under.....saw about 4 cars pulled over between there and New Bern.....glad they were all already busy when I came thru! :lol:
I always get a kick out of reading the comments people post. Ignorance isn't just limited to some on this site .
We had to have been there at the same time. Came right by the cop sitting at the overpass clocking pepole and then radio'in the troops. Even in Garner, the cops were hiding and pulling peole left and right.
Unless you slip up, radar doesn't pose as much of a threat to your wallet as laser does and more and more law enforcement agencies are using them. Of course, they basically require the officer to be stationary and operate within sight distance. They can get pretty clever with their hiding techniques. A good radar/laser detector is still a good tool to have, however. With gas prices running high, I only drive about 5-8 mph over and no more unless I'm passing someone or running late for an appointment.
I'm 5 over all the time - set the cruise control and off I go. I can't afford a ticket, not that I ever could, but am slowng down in my old age. :lol::lol: