I saw that myself today. That sure didn't take long. I wonder how much land went with it? I live about a mile down the road from there and was shocked when I drove by this afternoon and saw "SOLD".
I was wanting to have a yard sale or really a neighborhood sale this last weekend but someone never got back with me about having one with me. I have a ton of clothes! Alot of boys jeans. (No this is not an advertisement) LOL
Well, I got a new sign up at the enterance, went around collected money for it, had a neighborhood clean up day(noone but me and another guy showed up) we worked our arses off, had a meeting, composed a list and distributed it, of all names and phone numbers and addresses(e mail addresses) for a neighborhood watch. Noone here seems to care. I kinda gave up on the neighborhood for a while. Trying to get people together in here is like pulling teeth. You could be the yard sale chairman and post a sign. Or you could e- mail people from the list I distributed. I would be glad to participate!!! I told you that I would.
Got any boy stuff? My two younger ones (6 yrs, size 7-8 and 8 yrs, size 10-12) are in need of some jeans. These monkeys are hard on clothes!
Holler if you have a sale please. I have a box in the garage of our yard sale leftovers that I would love to give ya! I'll give ya $5 for those Levi's if they are new 550's & 34x30's.
Grief Cleo, just have the 4042ers come over (not the stalkers) and "POOF" all your stuff will be gone. :mrgreen: