If anyone could pick up an extra turkey (or 3) Ron would appreciate it!!:lol: http://www.4042.com/4042classified/index.php
i will see what i can do, does ron have an e-mail address? i would like to know exactly what he wants. and how many. i will see if my store will donate some, i dont know if they do that kind of stuff but it can't hurt to ask.
Here is the reply I got... "We could use up to 20 tomorrow evening at 6. The freezers should be full after our shopping tomorrow morning. If turkeys could be brought in at 6 p.m. when we open and are frozen, they could sit "out" in our freezer blankets and will be either gone in 3 hours or in the freezers as we draw down the food with our distribution. The next batch of 45 would be needed Saturday the 17th at 9 a.m." Any takers? I can come get them from local people and deliver them to him. Is there a way to get Turkey gift certificates? I would think there would be a cheaper way then to go to food lion. Any ideas?
Is turkey really a basic need!?!? Kidding but wondering if anyone has looked around yet to find the cheapest bird by the pound?
Someone told me walmart had them cheap. I have appointments this morning, but will call around this afternoon and post the best price I can find.
I bought one at HT last week for .79/lb. They had Butterball for .99/lb. Not sure if I got the "best" deal, but I can live with it.
Food lion will have them 49 cents a pound starting Wednesday.... uggg... Ron really wanted some for tonight. I could get so many more if I waited. The other problem is I have no way to store several Turkeys from Wed-Mon. I wonder if I wait until Monday to buy them if there will be any left?? Suggestions?
There is a hitch... you have to spend $35 to get the turkeys at this price and there is a limit of 2. If anyone is spending $35 and can buy 2 turkeys, I will pay you back and come get them!!! I wanted to buy 10-20 of them, but cannot figure out how. I asked if they could waive the $35 or the limit of 2, but they cant. Any ideas of who else can get cheaper turkeys? Thanks!
Does anyone know if Ron needs turkeys at Christmas too? I can't donate this round, although I really wish I could, but I would like to at least try to at the next holiday.
I am sure they will not turn away food at any time of the year. I got food lion at 40/42 to work with me and help me get around the $35 minimum/limit 2 thing. So I can get as many as I need for 49 cents a pound. Yea Food Lion!! So anyone want to donate a few bucks?? :lol::lol: I am going to buy as many as I can to bring over there Sat morning, if anyone wants to meet me at Food Lion and buy some as well... the more the merrier. I hate to think of anyone not having Turkey on Turkey day!
Shouldn't HT and the other stores have them on sale pretty soon? Got mine last year for (i think) .19. lb. $35 minimum order, looked really stupid with a bird and cartong of cigs :lol:
That is what I was holding out for, but this weeks fliers go until next Wed the day before Thanksgiving. So I guess they are not doing it this year?? Food Lion says they are going to be the lowest this year.
I just checked the Lowe's Food's online flyer, they have them for .29/lb IF you spend 8000 Greenpoints. .69/lb otherwise. I don't even HAVE 8000 greenpoints and I shop there a lot. Looks like the turkeys won't be very cheap this year. :?
does anyone know if they need anything else as well as the turkey's? Stuffing, canned goods, rice, etc?
YES!!! Absolutely any food. People come in and get bags of food to send home. They have limited refrigerator/freezer space but will gladly accept any donations. So if there are any couponers out there, all our extra triple coupon shopping will gladly be accepted.
great! I got a lot of bogo stuff and double coupon stuff from Lowe's the other night that I would not mind sharing.