10-4, the logo on this little critter is "20Q". Made by RADICA. My daughter tried it on me and I really was amazed at the results. I'd think of the most obscure things and she'd get me just about every time. Of course, it works best live. 20 questions here kind of drags it out.
Take a rest oh psychic one. :lol: Don't wear yourself out. That was pretty neat. I thought I might just have you with the wolverine - not an animal you hear about every day. I had to pull it up on wickipedia to answer some of your questions. I still am not sure if it can run fast or growl. I figure it has no need to be able too run fast since it has no natural enemies other than man. Tough little bugger too. It's been known to take out a moose (though usually a weak one) even though it is only the size of a medium dog. I thought this was interesting about it as well.... " Wolverines, as other mustelids, possess a special upper molar in the back of the mouth that is rotated 90 degrees, or sideways. This special characteristic allows wolverines to tear off meat from prey or carrion that has been frozen solid and also to crush bones, which enables the wolverine to extract marrow." And....actually, it's NAME was used in the movie "Red Dawn" back in the 80s
When I saw "wolverine" pop up on my the little screen, I thought this is going to be interesting! I hope it's right after all that questioning. Thanks again for participating. Catch ya'll late tonight!