Well, it's not very surprising when they choose this way of life.... "Saudi Arabia enforces a strict Islamic doctrine known as Wahhabism and forbids unrelated men and women from associating with each other, bans women from driving and forces them to cover head-to-toe in public." They see no value in women. I think they are all crazy. Always have been - always will be.
Again, just another example of the mentality of the radical muslims. What kills me is that some people actually think we should "embrace" muslims in this country and show "tolerance". :roll: Muslim's are taught that all who do not believe as they do should be killed. If you are not muslim - you can be a target to the radicals...just as it seems these 3 young girls were. Sad!!
Radical muslim Muslim There is a difference Christian Radical christian There is a diference You're throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
bigot –noun a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion. No, I would not say I am a bigot at all. I am not intolerant of ANY differeing creed, belief, or opinion other than my own. It's just the ones that teach that I should die for differeing with THEIR beliefs. Yes, I tend to be a bit intolerant of those. And...UTTERLY intolerant...NO, not I. I'd say utterly intolerant would apply to the radical muslims who set out to kill ALL people who do not agree with THEIR creed, belief, or opinion. I've had differing opinions with several folks on here and I have respected their position and their opinion. I have not been "utterly intolerant" at all to them. My opinion about muslims is my opinion. This alone would not make me a bigot at all. I'd have to be utterly intolerant of ALL who do not agree with me entirely on ALL subjects. This is just not the case.
Would you accept ignorant? Then please explain why you are intolerant against Muslims? Islam does not teach that non-believers should die. That's only radical Muslims that teach that. You were asked, though, and did clarify that you did not just hate radical Muslims, but all Muslims.
Did not say I hated them...I just don't agree with them. It is my opinion. You can call it whatever else you like, but that is all it is and I am entitled to it just as you are to yours. I know what your stance is on the matter and that's fine with me Clif. I can agree to disagree with you.
Ok, how about "are intolerant toward them"? Sure. You can do whatever you like. You can wear a sheet at the local cross burning. You can stand with the members of the the Westboro Baptist Church and tell a grieving family that their soldier son died because God hates fags. Thanks to the fact that we live in the USA, you can be just as prejudiced as you darn well please. It's your right. It is also my right to call you on it, if I see fit. Freedom of speech is a two way street, bunkie. If you can't take it, don't dish it out.