She just got of the leash in the Cobblestone subdivision in Clayton on Champion St. about an hour ago and we have been everywere looking for her. She is a beautiful Husky about 45-50 lbs and is black/white/silver in color. She does have a chip and a collar. Please e-mail us if you have seen her in your area. (highway 70/Main St. / Champion St) Thanks so much in advance for helping us locate her!
Hope you find her ... have you been over on Cardinal Drive? Its the next over from Champion. Just wondering because pond is back there with ducks/geese .. may be an area where husky would check out .... also, if the police pick her up, they'll take her to Durham St shelter so you may want to let them know about her (call the police dept). and last but not least .... food lion area - the pizza hut/wendy's and all that smell really good. i live over that way too ...will keep an eye open when I get home from work but hopefully you'll have found her by then.
Hey Harley!! I would post a pix but I have no idea how to! ?? Tried but it asks for a url and the pix is on my hard drive.... :?
e mail it to me and I'll post it ^^^^ Here's Katya everybody, be on the lookout for her and call traveler @ 919-741-7054
GREAT NEWS! Katya is back at home safe and sound! Someone found her on Ranch road and brought her home!!!