
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by God'schild, Nov 15, 2007.

  1. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Yeaaaah, that crap creeps me out!
  2. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Any body have input on dreams and or coinciding dates ... :confused:
  3. mslusk

    mslusk Well-Known Member

    My DH's best friend died in a car accident a few years ago. DD was only about two and a half yrs old at the time. A couple of days after our friend died, DD came to me from the living room, crying. She said Mark was in the living room. We told him we loved him, and after that, he didn't return. Very scary for DD but it made me wonder if there really is a window sometimes between this world and the next.
  4. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    A few months after my father passed away, there were some major problems cropping up with my step-mom. We've always loved her to death, but she is now refusing to give us the few things that Daddy said he wanted us to have (nothing valuable...sentimental stuff). Won't return calls, etc. Refuses to work to support herself and now the house is in foreclosure, and everything is a plumb mess.

    Anyway, needless to say, after a few months of going through this, hard feelings were developing. I hadn't called her in weeks because I was tired of my moocher 35 year old step-sister who also lives there, "taking messages", and never receiving a call back from my step mom.

    One day during this time, I was in my daughter's bedroom putting some clothes away, and was thinking about whether or not to call her. She had been my "mom" for 21 years...but I was also angry, hurt, and tired of messing with the whole situation.

    Suddenly, I turned around just in time to see the cordless phone land in the doorway of my bedroom with a loud thud...within my view. I thought my daughter had thrown it for some reason and loudly admonished her for doing so. She responded from the living room where she had been playing a video where near the phone.

    Somehow, the cordless phone left the charging cradle from one side of my bedroom and landed in the doorway all the way across to the other side of the room...without anyone being in the room.

    I took it as a sign that Daddy wanted me to call her, so I did. It was a worthless gesture, as the typical occured. But Daddy must have understood, because it hasn't happened again.
  5. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: I think I just got some of the biggest, bestest goose bumps I've ever had! :mrgreen:
  6. stonecold

    stonecold Guest

    The ghost of Jim Beam!
  7. stonecold

    stonecold Guest

    I watch Ghost Hunters I love that show. I believe there are things out there we can't explain. I also believe in Bigfoot and Extraterrestrial Life. We haven't seen everything on out off this world. My wife and I are looking to go to a haunted in for our wedding anniversary in April.
  8. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    :) Actually, I think Daddy visited one more time after that for a different reason. My bathroom faucet was leaking from the hot water side, so I turned off the hot water under the sink until I could get it fixed.

    Several times over the next few days, I would forget and turn the hot water handle, then when nothing came out, remember that I had turned it off under the sink.

    One night I again turned the handle out of habit and realized it as I was doing it...but to my surprise, hot water came out of the faucet. I looked under the sink and to my amazement, the handle was turned back on.

    The hot water hasn't leaked since. Being a single woman, my dad has fixed many such things for me in the past. I can't help but wonder if he stopped by and fixed that for me too. ;)
  9. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I can help.
  10. Debyan

    Debyan Well-Known Member

    The house I grew up in was built over an spot where an old farm house had burnt down the barn itself was still intact from the 1800's there is a marker stone on the barn that you can see that much. When I was little we just accepted the sound of footsteps upstairs when there was nobody there, although once when my twin sisters were about 11 and mom left them at home to get some milk she came home to find them sitting outside because they keep hearing those footsteps upstairs and felt better on the porch.Then there was the lady who would walk down the hall, I never saw her my grandmother, father and mother did, but the most memorable was my husband when he ran up from the basement saying did you see that woman on the stairs, you would sometimes see her on the stairs always just the glance of a person not a good picture older dress hair tied back. Then there was the moving of objects that you knew you had just sat down in one spot showing up somewhere else sometime that day or even the same place you sat them down but later. It was the crying at night that we heard off and on that would freak us out, sounded like a baby, and no it wasn't the cats, my grandma would try to figure out where it originated and she thought it was in our hall closet which was the center of the house . Our house used to freak out our cousins but we would just say it was our ghost they never hurt anyone. My mother says she doesn't hear as much activity these days, she had seen an increase after my dad died. She don't know if it's her hearing going or they are just bored. We never got any pictures on purpose though we did at times think we saw a shadow of something so it might be fun to try and see what would show up. There was always talk of Indians having been livng there years past and my brother had lots of arrowheads. Our neighbor older woman came over one night I wa about 12, telling us a story of gold having been buried somewhere, which you know us kids( 6 of us) really had fun with but never found any gold just old tins, cans and bottles, my luck.
  11. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member

    I Just finished reading this entire thread and I must say I found it to be quite facinating.
    I for one believe I have seen several "Images " in my life time, more so when I was younger, I guess i have ignored the more frequent feelings.
    My Mom told me that when I was 5 i walked into the kitchen to tell her goodnight and I asked her " why did you get rid of the red table and big coal stove?" my mom new her Mom was speaking through me, I had no recolection of the conversation but both Mom and Dad said the same thing.
    also when OI lived in an old house in Clemonton NJ there was A woman who you could see through in the upstairs attic bedroom, She had red hair and wore a frilly dress, she wold sit in my sisters rocking chair and smile at us, then she would get up walk across the room and dissapear into the chimmny, we never thought anything of it because she made us feel safe,you see my Dad was abusive and he was also afraid of the red haired lady so whenever he startid his rants we would go upstairs and read or play games cause Dad wouldnt come up there, He would stand at the bottom of the twisted steps at the doorway and yell up to us that when we came down he would kill us, we all just waited for him to pass out then we where safe to come down. I have so many stories like this I would love to share, most of the time I dont say anything because I dont want to tell people what they think is a hoax JUST ISNT!
  12. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Let me ask this.....and I truly want to know. My brother has talked me out of it but I just want your opinions.

    Some of you know my real father passed away in 1983. What are the chances of seeking out his spirit at the place of his death? Could I get others posting as him...Just curious.
  13. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Slim to none. Anyone who tells you different, is looking for a profit at your expense.
  14. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member

    I agree with Clif. Although, if you want to get through to him ask out loud whatever it is you want to know, then give it time maybe even days, but the answer will come to you one way or another. always works for me.
  15. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I guess I have watched to many Ghost Hunters episodes. They say that the spirit will often inhabit the place where their life ended or was familiar. Thanks Clif.
  16. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I looked at a Victorian house today in Kenly builit in 1910... I'll have to check my pics. BRB....

    Nope no ghosts, goblins or orbs.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2007
  17. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member

    it has been my experiance that if you invite them to be in or around your home that they will visit or stay as long as you allow them to. it hs little to do with where the met there dimise. that of course also depends on how they met there dimise.
  18. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Right, if they are dead and accept being dead they are probably not still on this plane. They went to "the light" through "the tunnel". A traumatic death, where the person does not know they are dead might yield ghosts who are "possesive" of property, or still hanging around wondering why nobody talks to them and what are all these people doing in their house, etc. They can also be wherever they would like to be in the blink of an eye.

    SS, I would just ask your dad for a sign that he is OK and made it to the other side. There might have been signs all along that you have missed. A scent, a sound, a touch, coins, etc.

    A ghost will interact with you, and will appear to be on the same footing. They will appear as they did when they died. They might still have wounds/scars/same clothing. A spirit will be a few feet above the ground (since they exist in a different plane), and appear young and healthy. An imprint is another thing altogether. You think it is a ghost, but the ending was so traumatic that the emotions are still there, hence "imprinted". It could be a scene playing over and over again, like for example somebody falling off a cliff. You could stand in front of them, beg and plead and they will still go off that cliff over and over again, never wavering from their steps and never acknowledging you.
  19. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

  20. MisunderstoodMind

    MisunderstoodMind Well-Known Member

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