Speeding on 70

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by DAVIDMILLER1, Nov 16, 2007.

  1. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Yes, as an adult patient, at least 4 times. I always had someone else take me (only once by ambulance).

    Typically I will use an Urgent Care myself, but if they were closed and things were as bad as stated, next stop, ER!
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2007
  2. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    OK, so you're someplace alone, no one is around and you cut yourself and you're bleeding. By the time you call someone, who figures out exactly where you are and get their act together to come and drive you somewhere, would it not be likely that you would have bled a whole lot more and that person who picked you up, might have to speed in order to get you to be treated?

    From your last comment, Hught, it can be taken as it's acceptable to speed driving to an ER in a hospital, but not to Urgent Care. . .

    I guess I just don't get it.

    Like Magnolia said, utilizing an ambulance for a cut on your hand, could impede someone who has had an accident, heart attack, or something happen where they were not ambulatory, from getting the life saving transportation they required.

    Personally, it would never occur to me to phone for an ambulance if I were capable of driving myself. Blues didn't mention in his post whether his bleeding increased during his ride - so we don't know.

    Lucky for you, someone has always been there to give you a ride. Everyone isn't always fortunate enough to have someone to assist them in times of need.

    This is an argument that can't be won, or lost on these boards. Blues got the ticket, so everyone against speeding of any kind, for any reason, has had their wish granted. I'll bet some of you have the pedal to the metal on many occasions. . .karma is a funny thing.

    I hope Blues goes to court and shares his story with a judge. At least he will have the satisfaction of trying. Just because some people don't normally get along on here, there's no need to crucify them for every blessed thing they post.
  3. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Not sure how you read that into my statement, but I disagree, I feel it is even less acceptable to speed in this situation, and hope the Judge would feel the same way.

    DAVIDMILLER1 Well-Known Member

    I was on my way tp get my son from Day Care. They said that he had suspected hand, foot and mouth disease. I am in the Air Force driving from Goldsboro, so yes I was speading. I know the Trooper was just doing his job but I was in uniform and everything, two days after Veterans' Day, what the hell. I am not looking for special treatment, just a little luck. I wasn't going to bore hime with excuses either.
  5. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    David, although you were speeding, your situation is a little different.

    My position is that I would not want someone who is bleeding heavily and possibly in shock, driving a few tons of projectile on a road that my loved ones are using. And the last thing that a person going into shock should be doing is driving at a speed that is unsafe under normal conditions.
  6. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    So, you think because you were in uniform you can speed or be let go because of speeding.

    hummm, ok.:arrow:
  7. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    I am used to it by now. Most of these "high and mighty" morons have their head shoved so far up where the sun doesn't shine, it's pathetic. They get their jollies out of putting other people down, making light of other people's misfortunes, etc. It's a wonder most of them don't break their arm by patting themselves on the back for all that they think they do for this community. Most of them would rather tear you down to their level and then kick you when you get there. It's a shame, really. It's idiots like this that will tear a community apart rathere than unite it. They love to sit behind their computer and play internet police all day and think they are doing something constructive by ranting and raving about crap no one really cares about. If what they had to say was so important, go tell it to the world or shut up!

    I, personally, am sick and tired of the stupidity that is put forth here. Oh, I know.....all of the knee jerk morons will have their little posts to try to say something intelligent and try to look like the "victim" as they always do. How pathetic. It just disgusts me to see how this board has become nothing but a sounding board for whiney, pathetic, do-nothings that think what they have to say on a small community board is going to make a difference. Some actually have something decent to say but when someone decides to voice an opinion that does not float well with the local "tribe", they are blackballed and attacked over and over again. Get over yourselves! It's truly a shame to see how some of the "tribe" act. Most of them should just join the KKK (or in this case the CCC (Cleveland Community Clan)). I am sure they would fit right in.

    Now....off to burn their crosses, American flags, straw dummies of people they hate, make their voodoo dolls, grab their pitchforks, gather the townspeople for a public hanging....whatever they do. I just pray that they get their heads out of their rears someday so they can see where they are going. If someone was planning on moving to this area and read this board, why in the world would they want to come to such an area that always seems like a witch hunt? Heaven forbid if you open a new business, start a new church (heck...GO to church for that matter), are from the north (got news for ya...we won, it's over...shut up), Republican or say ANYTHING that the "tribe" does not agree with. LORD, NO! Most of these are the one's who hide behind the keyboard and never go out to the get togethers because most of them don't have the guts to show their faces in public. Personally, I have been to one at the ODS awhile back and got to meet Rich (among a few others) who was the guitarist in a band there (can't remember his screen name because he has not been on in awhile and probably for good reason) and ended up playing in a band for a short bit with him. I have met Harley, Hat6 and a few others at other gatherings. Funny....those who tend to run their mouths never seem to be around. I have known Ken and Steve for quite some time because we are musicians and we give each other crap because we know we can and we don't care.

    So....with that said....I'll wait for the daggers, cheap shots, crosses burning on my front lawn, etc.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2007
  8. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    Of course you would!:roll: It's all part of your nature, Hughey. Tample on those you think deserve it. Great way to treat people...I am sure that will get you far in life.
  9. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your service, sir. I do hope your son is OK. Some of us with a family, heart and compassion actually care about stuff like that. Others would rather crucify you.
  10. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    How about you tell that to the policeman/woman that is speeding down I-40 for no reason other than that "they can". I am sorry, but those who abuse their authority deserve to be fired. I don't know how many times I have called in the Sherrif's office or Highway Patrol office to report an officer exceeding the speed limit without any warning (lights, siren). I have had many an officer tailgate me on the freeway only to speed by after I got over. Want to talk about the "dangerous speeders"? The police who abuse thier authority are the worst. I guess it's OK for them, huh?:roll:
  11. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    Now...that's funny.
  12. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    It was on I-40, you moron.

    And...NO, he DID NOT evaluate ANYTHING. I showed him my hand covered in blood along with my steering wheel, pants, etc and his comment was "does not matter to me, you should have gone to the ER". He took no time to "evaluate" the situation. All he was there to do was issue a ticket and make his end of month quota.

    Now...get off your high horse, Hughey.
  13. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    they dont have quotas.
  14. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    Sounds like my experience with the ER as well. I was taken there by my wife because I had passed out numerous times, weak and had no sense of my surroundings. After sitting in the ER in a wheelchair for over an hour, they finally admitted me after I passed out and fell from the wheelchair. Came to find out I had food poisoning and I was seriously dehydrated and almost died from it. This, being told to me by my wife because I have no memory of it. As a matter of fact, it will be 13 years this coming weekend that it happened. Thanks to my wife for dragging me to the car after me being as stubborn as I was (it's a man thing) that I was OK.
  15. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member


  16. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Ya'll need to chill out. Where's your (almost) Christmas spirit? Be nice or Santa's gonna bring you some switches! :twisted:
  17. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    Not to seem harsh, Harley, really...but honestly, I don't really friggin' care. I am just tired of the BS spewed forth here.
  18. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    :roll: just be glad he didnt take you to jail and take your license!
  19. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    :roll: think whatever you want :roll:
  20. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    I am sure you would have loved to hear about that, huh? Just another thing for you to tear someone down with.:roll:

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