Anybody have any idea what it might cost to add an additional septic line to an existing property? I need to do this in order to add an additional bedroom, and just want an idea of how much I am looking at...
It isnt just adding a line...not quite that simple. You need to have the health department come out and make a site visit to make sure that the soil in your yard is good enough to handle a 4 bedroom, or 5 bedroom...whatever you are going to have. The health department should have your septic layout on the permit and they may or not have made notes that the layout and soils could handle an extra bedroom. Chances are, though, they didnt do that so an extra site visit will be required. Depending on the situation, you may need to get a land surveyor to come out and do a new, what is called, plot plan showing everything on your lot. The HD (health department) would then come out and mark where your existing lines are at. They may require the LS (land surveyor) to come out, locate the existing lines, show them on the plot plan and you submit that to the HD, to which they would then make another visit and determine if the soils on your lot could handle the extra load (no pun intended). That is probably your worse case scenerio. Best case...the HD says ok with no extra visit.
Yep...I know...been to the office...scheduled their visit, etc. The house is set for three bedrooms...I am adding a fourth....Because its a relatively new construction in a subdivision, I know the house is set for three bedrooms....The HD told me they are pretty sure already that the size of the septic, the lot, etc are good to go....we are hoping it will only require an additional line....I was just curious if anyone else had been through this and could give a ballpark figure....
Hmmmmm... I wonder why my neighbors are building a DIY addition to their home with no Building Permit, with property backing up to Wetlands. Some really SMART people out there. Oh well, maybe they will remove one or all of the three sheds they also have on their property, I always wondered if they were "MIL Suites"... time will tell.
Several thousand at least:-( I've heard of folks doing it themselves. Don't think I'd want to tackle it though.
New Line Ballpark-Probably $500-$800 just for a new line. They will still need to bring a backhoe out and manually dig up your distribution box to add the line. You may need a new (larger) septic tank if it was sized for 3 bedrooms- add another $1000 +- to dig up the old and haul it off and to put in a new one.
It has occurred to me, but I am trying to keep my karma in check seeing as how it does not really affect me.
Don't think whole new system would cost that much, unless prices have really skyrocketed since I last checked. Think Fatherof3 is closer to being on the money. Please remember, this free advice is worth every penny you paid for it.