Bone Voyage kennel has put up a Christmas Angel Tree for supplies needed by the Johnston County Animal Shelter. Please stop by Bone Voyage to pull an angel off the tree and donate the needed supply on your angel! All donations will benefit the Johnston County Animal Shelter. Make sure to write your name and your dog's name on the angel and attach it to your item! Bone Voyage will be collecting donated items until Saturday morning, December 22nd. Go to their website for further information and directions to the kennel. Thank you for helping make this holiday special for those animals waiting to find those forever homes!
Hey- great idea! My dog LOVES to go there! I'll come by after the holiday with a few donations. Thanks!
Can you provide a list of needed items? While some people may think about stuffed toys for the shelter animals, unless the staff has time to launder them, they are not always practical, as porous items can hold bacteria. Some shelters have enough staff/volunteers/and washing machines to do this, but don't know if the county shelter does. Tomorrow morning, I'll call Ernie and will post a list of items that he suggests. Not trying to be a spoil sport, but it would be a shame to spend 6-8 bucks on a stuffed toy, only to have it thrown out a couple of days later because it can't be cleaned.
Here is the list of items requested by the shelter: dry dog food, dry cat food, dry kitten food, dry puppy food, canned cat food, canned dog food, rubber chew toys, rawhides, cat toys, dog treats, cat treats, kitty litter, bath towels, paper towels, cotton balls, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, small blankets, bleach Zookeeper if you have any suggestions for other items that the shelter may need please post them and we can add them to the angel ornaments. We are really excited about the angel tree and hope it turns out to be a big success for the Johnston County Shelter!
Hey Zoo, I read a while back that Ernie is trying to raise a half million dollars to build a low-cost spay/neuter clinic near the JC Animal Shelter. Ask Ernie how the fund-raising is going. I haven't seen or heard anything recently encouraging or soliciting donations. The JC Animal Shelter needs to put on some fund-raising activities and advertise, or this clinic will never happen.
Thanks Bone Voyage for posting the list. I didn't forget, I have a call in to them and waiting for them to get back to me to see if there is anything additional they might need. That's a nice thing you're doing, I'll stop in with some needed items soon. AL- this was the first I've heard about the fund raising effort for a spay/neuter clinic. . .what a great idea! Have any ideas for fund raising? I have a few, maybe we can put them together on a list and help Ernie out. After the first of the year I have some free time.
I spoke with Ernie and the list Bone Voyage posted is complete - Ernie mentioned that Cat Litter is always needed - and would very much be appreciated - the list doesn't mention it, but CLAY not clumping litter is what they need - clumping litter, though great doesn't work out well for shelter use as contents of pans are disposed of, rather than scooped (using same litter scoop from pan to pan is a contaminate)