My Mom and her DH as well as my two neices are coming down from PA tomorrow. :-D Lots of turkey and all the trimmings. Might have to go to the outlet mall tomorrow night @ midnight, but I think I am going to skip the Black Friday stuff otherwise this year.
Well my family comes to my home every year. At least I don't have to do all the cooking, we divide it in three. All this food and only 12 people eating:mrgreen: I'm cooking: 15 lb. brown sugar honey ham deviled eggs mashed taters/gravy bread green bean casserole My sister: smoked turkey broccoli cheese casserole dressing My Mom: collards field peas candy yams all the pies
If you want to come to Wendell, my mom won't mind. She's met some of the 4042ers and loves everybody! Seriously if you want to come to my parents house, you are more than welcome.
You can come to my house! We'd love to have some extras to help eat the heaping piles of food. errr... didn't see ljk's response b/f I posted, then read on down. Even still, the more the merrier!
I like that idea Michelle... I'll have to take one and a drink before dh's aunt & grandmother arrive! We're doing Thanksgiving at our house this year, just cooking for DH's parents, aunt & grandmother. Got a turkey, small spiral cut ham, gonna make mashed 'taters, green beans w/ bacon & onions, broccoli casserole, and a few assorted deserts, etc... everyones pitching in and bringing something. Then we're going to hang out with friends after I get rid of his family :mrgreen:
LOL Yep after all the family leaves we are getting together with some friends and drinking some holiday alcohol....LOL
I just prayed for you!:? After 20 years of dealing with the in-laws on Thanksgiving, I feel your pain. About 3 years ago, we stopped going to DH's parents and went to see my Sis and family instead.:-D DH's parents got mad at us and threw a fit and stopped talking to us (I lost NO sleep over it). Anyway, it was all so stupid. Amazing how your 65 year old parents can act so much like your 2yo kid throwing a temper tantrum. Sadly, DH's Dad passed away within months. We saw him as he was dying and he apologized and all was good. But DH's Mom held a grudge and told DH he was a bad son and more:shock:. Really hurt DH. He has always been a wonderful son. Then...DH's Mom suddenly had a stroke and her brain was in bad shape. She didn't know who people were any more. She died 2 months ago and never had the chance to make things right with DH.:-( There is a lesson in there somewhere. Life really IS just too short to hold grudges and fight over silly stuff. You just never do know if you are gonna get another chance tomorrow to make things right with the ones you care about. Anyway, I am sad for DH that his parents are both gone and that my kids grandparents are gone. But, even DH will say now that holidays are much less stressful for us since we don't have to deal with all the childish stuff they used to pull. Still, I know he misses them:-( It's been a tough 4 years for us dealing with all of this. Sooooo....THIS YEAR......for Thanksgiving......we are taking our kids and going to the BEACH. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:Never done that before. We thought it would be a good way to take a break and get away from it all for a few days. DH is really looking forward to it. So am I. Just our family...Ahhhhhhhh!!! I feel relaxed already. So...HAPPY TURKEY DAY to you all. I hope you have a good one!
Dang! I just found your post! I saw a response to it yesterday but couldn't find it... :-( You wanna go with us? .. How about all us 4042'ers meet at cakeprincess's house around ... 6ish .. Covered dish!
If you change your mind, I made extra just in case. We have some people from work coming as well, so it is not just family.
painting in the monrning, eating at my brothers house, then painting some more that evening. then going to work friday and coming home to paint again. gotta get it all painted, the hardwood floors are going in saturnday
Funny, that is where my baby boy flew into yesterday to spend Thanksgiving with his fiance - hope your flight is not delayed as long as his was. We are doing the Lynchburg, VA thing this year with Cass and clan, my Mom, all my siblings, nieces, grandkids, etc. i have been cooking all night and will take the food up in the am - we all chip in since there is such a humongous crowd when we all get together. Next year, we will have it down here, we take turns:-D