Around 10 pm last night while a group of 7 people were traveling back to their home in two separate vehicles 1 of those vehilces was invloved in this accident. The other was to far off behind-thank God. Last night the volvo was headed home via Amelia & a vehicle driven by an 18 year old pregnant unlicensed girl proceded to turn left onto guy rd hitting the volvo & knocking it into another passerby. The impact was very severe & speed was not a factor. Can't say for sure if anything else with this girl was. The driver of the volvo was safe & unharmed. The passengers not so lucky. His family members two of which were in the car were injured. One resulting in a broken arm in two places. The other passenger -My father was injured as well. Over 30 staples to close the top of his head up & stitches to close his nose up. Also resulting in a broken nose. The driver of the cause of this & her passenger were both pregnant & they were aok. This driver just being 18 has no license. Here we go again with another young driver resulting in such a bad accident. Cars are replacable, volvo is totaled. My father is not a young spring chicken & neither were the other two passengers. The other two were here from Ny visiting their son & daughter and law & will not be able to go home for some time. This 18 year unlicensed driver gave no care in the world to anyone else around here much less the baby she is carrying in her that is an ultimate gift of God. Yes this is her fault b/c she wanted to turn in front of the volvo to "beat him". This girl is also a known "user" Please say a prayer for any all family members that would be headed home today. No matter who they are. These kids out there just don't care. I just thank God that none of our group died. Their injuries will take sometime but they will be healed. This is the first accident my dad has eber been in in his 65 years of life! Just a sincere thanks to Clayton PD & resuce. They responed quickly & swiflty & were great with all the transports to Wake Med for our group.
My husband got caught in that accident and said it looked bad. It's sad for everyone involved, and my thoughts go out to your family. It seems there are A LOT of accidents involving teenagers in Johnston County. Even more than other places.
I am so sorry to hear about your family and I hope for a fast recovery for all involved. Be safe everyone Ro
ss to hear about the accident. Glad no one was injured worse than they were - although the fractures and the lacerations sound pretty bad, the result could have been much, much worse. We have family traveling back to Yankeeland (NJ) today in this lovely weather and are always concerned until we get that phone call that they have arrived home safe and sound. Since this girl doesn't have a license, she should be in some serious trouble. You mentioned 'user' --was that as in 'drug user' ? Did they do any tests to see if alcohol or drugs could have been a factor? So many people are in such a gosh darn hurry to get someplace. At 4:45 this morning in the dark and drizzle, I had a freak pass me just before that way too tight curve on Old Fairgrounds road, the one near the firehouse - what is that area called? Hardees Crossroads or whatever? That idiot rode my tail for about a mile. . .I was doing 45 as it was not only nasty, but there have been a horse and a cow struck and killed by vehicles in the past year - God knows how many I didn't see. . .so I always chill out on that road. They almost lost control when not 100 feet after they passed me was that curve. Either they were drunk, or not familiar with the road. Even after they skidded almost sideways, they hit the gas and were far out of sight in less than a minute. I know it's ugly to say it, but honestly, those are the people I almost wish would 'buy themselves' a tree or a pole - just to wake them the hell up.
The girl who does not have a license is in a lot of trouble. The worst part now is she does not own the vehicle she was driving. There is insurance on that car but now this is a sticky situation. As for her being a "user" yes that is what I mean. Druggie!! I know of this nature with this teenager. At the time of the accident nothing came up as substance abuse or alcohol. Just a few hours after this incident another family was lost to an accident at exit 79 (Benson) on 95. They were headed home also from Holiday celebration. They said a Grandmother & her two grandkids & their dog was killed. The other family members survived & one other dog. I am so glad my family is here. Even still people are crazy & it is scary.
So you know this girl? ... That is a bad intersection! Even though your family was injured, I'm glad they faired as well as they did. It's just a matter of time until a fatality occurs. :-( Clayton has gotten too big for it's britches.
We live through behind the field and through the woods at that intersection, and we didn't hear a thing last night, no impact, no sirens, kind of strange actually, because usually we hear just about everything out there on 42. A few weeks ago, I swear I felt the impact of another accident right at that same intersection. DH and I threw on shoes and drove out there to see what had happened. We got there before the EMT and fire/rescue arrived, there was a white van in the middle of the intersection with the driveshaft broke and hanging on the ground the impact was that hard. There was a pickup truck on the side of the road, and another small car involved... never read anything about it in the paper, but I think DH had started a thread about it on here to see if anyone knew what had happened. I can't seem to decide if another light out there is going to make it better or worse... people just don't pay attention, or think they're invinsible, another light won't fix stupid. Once the JMH facility is built, there is going to be a light at the entrance to the medical buildings, which will only put it a few hundred feet up the road from the current intersection on Amelia Ch Rd and 42. Sorry to hear about your familys accident out there LI-bratz. I hope everyone recovers fully and quickly and that the unlicensed teenager gets her due punishment and that your family members are able to get full compensation somehow.
LB - sorry to hear about your family, hope everyone will be okay :-( Another teen accident, under a provisional license, he shouldn't have been driving with that many passengers should he?
there's already left turn lanes in all four directions and guy and amelia ch. next step is green arrows for left turns. or people could be more careful
L-B, I am so sorry to hear of this! I am very happy you did not get hurt, How is your father feeling, was Mom in the car with him? my prayers are with you and yours, Please keep me posted. let me know if you need me to do something. Also Update on our ring leader, she is in Maryland, I dont know if you heard about her sister, she (age 50) went to bed on Thanksgiving evening and never woke up, thay are doing the autopsy Monday morning to find out what happened, and then she will be laid to rest on Tuesday, then the ring leader shall return on Wednesday. I saw your note today. why?. pm me or call me. and again i am sorry your Family was hurt but i am glad you are ok and it really could have been worse. God Bless Luv ya GAM
In regards to the driver the cause of this wreck i don't know her personally. I am former Law enforcement & still have a lot of connections & keep on this stuff. Plus when you have older children who tell you everything that helps also. As soon as I heard her name I said some things to the Police Officer & he shook his head YES. I knew that just from word getting around so to speak. I guess it is my nature or it is bred into me. I can't believe it wasn't heard. There were 5 ambulances & two fire trucks when you pulled up it looked like someone would have been killed. It was a horrifi scene. There was a lot of blood -from my father. My father lost a lot of blood he actually severed a main attery in his head. He is in great spirits & has a high tolerance for pain. The step father is out of the hospital doing well. The mother is in alot of pain. It will be sometime for the bruising to go away & her bones to be healed. They both got out last night. Still sometime b4 they can head home to NY. Thanks for all your prayers & again I just am so grateful no one was killed.