Monday is near. Back to work. So, anything interesting happen to anyone? Good Thanksgiving stories? Bad ones? Let's hear the gossip..:lol:
I've been sick with a bad cold for the past couple of days, so whoopeee! Seriously though, I feel blessed to have what I have and truly thankful. I don't have the world in my hands nor do I care to possess it. I have what counts and that is what matters most to me. As for the story. Nothing really except my usual luck. I went to take a pic the other night of some Christmas lights in one local town. I turn my camera on, look through the LCD screen to find the lights...and they're gone. The screen is black. I look up and they have disconnected them! I felt like I had been robbed. Oh well, I'll be back.
Scatter-brain susie here lost her wallet and the fine policemen in Dunn called me to let me know they have it. Thank you Jesus! And my Guardian Angel was looking out over me. Everything was still in it! I didn't even know it was gone.:shock:
My cat bit the daylights out of my Mom's DH, I mean to the bone. Other than that........................................ People should know NOT to pick up and continue to hold cats that are growling. :?
Had a family get together Tday and Friday. This weekend, we spent at home, resting up. Finally got to see "Love In the Time of Cholera" with C6. We went Sat night, but the 7:05 was sold out. Went back today for the 4:05 and shared the 196 person theater with 6 other people. Back to the grind on Monday. We usually draw names and dedicate a fixed sum to that one person's gift. This year, we decided that we would donate that amount, in the person;s name, to a food bank or charitable contribution at the local level.
Thursday - great time with family. Friday - a little shopping, got a new dog Saturday - cleaned house & watched college football Sunday - grocery store, laundry & watched NFL Nothing too exciting - but boy did I enjoy the long weekend!!! From now until Christmas the work weeks are going to be so long!
My husband's parents bought a house here and are moving from PA. We worked all weekend cleaning, improving, etc..
Me either, and she's my cat! Or my son's cat as the case may be. I wasn't at home, or I could have prevented it. I guess he learned a valuable lesson.