The Time Has Come...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Clif, Nov 28, 2007.


Do You Believe In Santa Claus? (Please read the 1st post before answering)

Poll closed Dec 26, 2007.
  1. Yes

    8 vote(s)
  2. No

    25 vote(s)
  1. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Yes, kiddies, it's that time again. Time to prove to those few killjoys out there that they are in the minority.

    Here's the deal. The poll question is simple. Do you believe in Santa Claus?

    No, I'm not talking about the Santa Claus spirit of Christmas that Francis P. Church told Virginia about in his famous editorial. Nor am I talking about some dead bishop who used to throw gold coins to children somewhere in Europe a thousand or so years ago.

    I'm talking about the real guy who lives at the North Pole and makes a yearly present run every Christmas. I'm talking "Ho, ho, ho", red suit and reindeer, and elves in the toy factory.

    Since the question is simple, so is the answer. Either "Yes" or "No". There is no "Maybe" or even an "Other"

    All I ask is that you answer honestly.
  2. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    No, which sucks, because it was awesome to believe as a child!
  3. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I would have to say NO! As a child I did and it was alot funner then. Wish my parents never let me find out he wasn't real .
  4. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Ah, NO.
    I found out who "Santa" was by going thru the attic and closets :mrgreen:
  5. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    I guess, NO. But if you asked me when I was 7, then it would be yes.

    I believe in the Christmas spirit of santa, does that count?

    I voted no. Obviously.

    UNCHEELS Well-Known Member

    No and my oldest son is on the verge of not believing either. He is 9 now so he may already not believe and has just been pretending for me. I am going to be so dissappointed when both children stop believing. For now, the motto is "If you don't believe, you don't receive."

    BTW, I just saw the Polar Express last year and my oldest son waas asking lots of questions. I really teared up at the movie.
  7. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    yes:) i have a santa at home, a santa at my parents house and a santa at my in laws house :)
  8. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    Hey GG, where have you been?
  9. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    hey!! i have actually had to work today :-(
  10. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

  11. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Clif, you should set up some surveillance cameras this year.
  12. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

  13. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Yes indeed I believe. :mrgreen:
  14. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Dang, does that mean there isn't really a tooth fairy either?

    If not, it's probably because she went broke in Johnston County :lol:

    UNCHEELS Well-Known Member

    DMJMom, I know. Aren't you sad? It makes me sad. I do believe in the spirit of Santa though!
  16. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    :) LOL!
  17. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    My kids believe too. Still. They know, like I know, you stop believing you stop receiving.
  18. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Yes, it is sad. And I worry that he's going to find out, and go blab to his little brothers! I certainly hope not, I want to be Santa as long as possible!! :mrgreen:
  19. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    I have to admit...this being the 14th year of doing the Santa late night shuffle, I am looking forward to when my youngest stops believing.

    Now before you shred me, please think about doing this for 4 kids every year. I used to really get into it when they were all small but now, it feels different. My oldest knows. An adult told her the truth when she was about 7:evil: It really ruined it for her.

    My middle two still believe and want to keep believing always. My youngest will believe for a few more years I think. But, dang, I'm tired already. I guess I just get worn out with all the decorating and gifts and preparations. Plus, DH and I have really always fought over the kid's Christmas. He's a scrooge about the gifts...thinks they get too much. Maybe he has rubbed off on me:?

    And really, I just lose the "spirit" seeing and hearing all the PC stuff about the season. I am a Christian and I just get tired of seeing folks act like it's the most wonderful time in the world when they don't even acknowledge or honor the real meaning of Christmas. And then there are others who want to deny the real meaning of it all together and force the rest of us to do so as well.:roll:

    Bah! Humbug! I know...I sound harsh. I'm a little grumpy today anyway. I am just not looking forward to all the dragging out of decor and such this year - haven't been feeling too well. I wish it could be more about spending time together and making memories while remembering to invite Jesus to HIS celebration in the process.

    I am actually looking forward to the time when we can just relax and enjoy all the kids without all of the stress of hiding and pretending. If I had it to do over again, I think we would just not ever have started Santa up at all. After all, Santa is not what matters at Christmas least to me.

    Don't mean to be a downer here. Just feeling a little weary of it all. I'll still be sending cards out and giving gifts because I care about my loved ones and it feels nice to bring them joy. And I still hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.

    Maybe if the weather will stay cold and....dare I say it....a little snow fall....I'll feel more in the spirit.;)
  20. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Figured it out at about 8, milked it till 10 then told my parents and then for my brothers and sisters sake milked it until they figured it out.

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