Just an FYI, for those of you who are not protesting the film, there is a sneak preview tomorrow night at 7 pm at White Oak theater. Otherwise, it offically opens next week.
These "sneak previews" ...Does that mean they something like a show a longer trailer or the whole movie?
Its the whole movie. Its just a "sneak preview" because you get to see it before it offically comes out. I'm sure its because with word of mouth, posts on the internet, etc, it will make the movie the top grossing movie for its opening night if they can get people to see it BEFORE the opener.
awww man....the kids are with their Dad this weekend.....do I dare go without them? eeek. :shock: we are all very excited about the trilogy coming to life on the big screen, as the books are excellent. and Transformers comes out too on Pay-Per-View....surely a test of will power.:mrgreen:
Ha ha! I would go without them.. I'm sure it will be so good, definately worth seeing twice! I love Transformers! Did you hear they are in the works (or talking, not sure) that they are going to make a Thundercats or Voltron movie? Lovin' this!!! Its like reliving your childhood all over again.
ooOOOOoo! So! Is it seen in addition to a movie one has paid to see or is it separate? Like a two-fer? Or can ya just go to that particular movie... Can ya tell I've never been to a sneak preview?
TRANSFORMERS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!! I honestly didn't care at all about seeing it, but since I'm the only girl in the house, didn't have a choice really. I've got to say, I've seen it about 10 times since we bought it, and I love it!!
see, now I can probably stay away from the Sneak preview of 'The Golden Compass' but now, 'Transformers' is just a click of a button away, on my TV! yikes!
Thundercats - YES (2010) Voltron - YES (Script completed) As for the sneak preview of The Golden Compass, unfortunately tomorrow I'm going to see "My Fair Lady" at the Progress Energy Center. I'm telling you, you women who like to make fun of men have no idea what we really put up with to make y'all happy. Well, I suppose it could be worse. It could be "Carousel"
NO! what is it... $4.99 ... then another 4.99 for the kids to see it!... Another $5 and it would be bought! http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=7763052
Its the actual movie, "The Compass". From start to finish, the movie in its entire form. This is the idea behind a "Sneak Preview". Take the Compass for instance. It's offical release date does not open until December 7th. They allowing only a couple of theaters across the states to show the movie (the entire movie, yes) tomorrow night. Now, the people who see the movie tomorrow night are going to run out and tell their friends, family, co-workers, whomever, how great the movie is (or isn't). The Yahoo movie review board, other websites who allow users to review the movie is going to post their thoughts & opinions. People who have not seen the movie yet will read these reviews therefore causing excitement to actually go see it. Opening night, December 7th, I'm sure this movie will sell out nationwide because so much hipe has already been shown because of the posts/word of mouth, etc. Therefore, the movie will more than likely be the "Number 1" on the Top Office box. The Number 1 movie on the Top Office box chart always gets the most media/public attention therefore, it will continue to roll in the dollars. So yes, your $9 adult/$7 child ticket tomorrow night will allow you to see the entire movie. I strongly suggest you get your tickets now online, I'm sure it will sell out soon!
Not "My Fair Lady". I've seen the play a couple of times and the movie a few times, I was even in the high school production of it (as an extra). I never did like it. I did like Camelot and Paint Your Wagon, so it's not just Lerner and Loewe. Sorry.
I'll just come borrow yours. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: and my PPV is only $3.95....why is yours so high?
"Yentl" I liked, even though I don't care much for Barbara Streisand (I wasn't aware that it was a play, though). Didn't see "Showgirls". My favourite musical is probably "Man of La Mancha", tied closely with "Camelot" and (believe it or not) "Little Shop of Horrors"
I was on the props crew of 'Man of La Mancha' in high school...love that play, probably one of my favorites too. Did props for 'West Side Story' too. Thats a good one. I went to NY to see CATS, back in the 80's....that's hard to beat.