A recent study of 14,000 students at 50 American colleges shows students really struggle when asked questions about how this country works. The students were asked 60 questions about such topics as Jamestown, Puritans, the Lincoln-Douglas debates, representative democracy, the Federalist Papers, inflation and business profits. The average grade was 53.2 percent -- an F. Take the test: http://www.americancivicliteracy.org/
You answered 57 out of 60 correctly — 95.00 % missed 9, 19, 58 thanks NC for a classic liberal arts public education. I have no regrets.
I did not do as well as I would have liked: You answered 46 out of 60 correctly — 76.67 % But considering my degree is an Associate Degree I don't think I did too badly.
I thought it was a hard test. I got the same score as Rob Christenson, 88.33%, but as he said, he gets paid to write about that stuff. Some of the ones I got wrong, a wavered between the right answer and the one I ended up choosing. My brother said it wasn't fair, though, because I remember some of that stuff that today's college kids could only learn about in history class!
81.67%....several questions missed dealt with economics....I knew I should have stayed awake in that class 20 years ago!
Young chimp beats college students http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071203/ap_on_sc/chimp_memory_7;_ylt=AqjThsIrmAFabGEIXEDv2PIE1vAI
You answered 47 out of 60 correctly — 78.33 % Average score for this quiz during December: 74.9% Average score since September 18, 2007: 74.9% You can take the quiz as often as you like, however, your score will only count once toward the monthly average.
Even if you think the planet is only 5,000 years old, this one will make you shake your head. It floored me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psGLXqW1kUs