Yesterday, before going on duty, I had the opportunity to witness a man dowsing for water at the request of the homeowner who needs a new well. Here are the highlights: The dowser used a couple of different "tools": a forked peach tree branch and some aluminum and copper wires bent in an "L" shape. He held the peach branch by the end of the forks and walked around the yard until it started to point downward. He said "there's a water vein right here." He then took his copper and aluminum wires, holding them loosely by the short leg of the "L" , about shoulder width apart, and "verified" what he had found with the branch. As he walked over the spot designated by the peach branch, the long leg of the "L" of each wire would turn into each other. He then took out a quart jar half filled with water from his house, and placed it on the spot where he said the well should be dug. He took off his wedding ring and looped a piece of sewing thread thru it to make a pendulum about 1 ft in length. This was the part where he said he determines the depth before you hit rock, how much water (gal/min) you'll get, and how deep the well will have to be. He dipped the ring into the water and held it inside the jar, just above the water. The ring begin to sway from side to side until it started tinking against the side of the jar. After he heard what he wanted to hear he said the bedrock was about 37 ft down, you'll have to drill about 137 ft, and the well will get about 10 gal/min. He also said he could not only find grave sites, but determine whether it was a male or female by the way the divining rods turned. More on this when I get a chance. Thought this would be an interesting discussion. A few links:
I believe in it simply because it is more fun to believe in than not. I know that the bent wires will work on locating underground water lines because I have done so myself. The wedding ring deal seems a little out there.
The wedding ring is just plain silly. That's how you figure out of a pregnant woman is going to have a boy or a girl. And, if it will work for both, how do you know if the new Mom is going to have a girl, or there's water 100 feet below her?
I've seen my grandfather do it, it is interesting. Probably something to do with the earth's magnetic field or the like. Note, I have not read the links Kent provided yet.
Bent wires definitely work, not just on water lines either. I can find just about any kind of line, electrical, water, gas, even a pvc line wiyh nothing in it. Some folks don't believe it,'s true!
I've seen my granddaddy do it with a green forked tree branch. I know that science says its not real, but I swear I saw it bend in his hands. He tried to show me how, but I just could not get it. It would repeatedly bend for him, but not for me. The wells dug where he divined only needed to be about 20 feet deep to get a good supply of water.
Water Witch. Two weeks ago we had a "older fella" hunt for water. He used 2 green grape vine twigs. Today the well digging crew was here. They drilled from 9am ~ noon. 160' into rock. We got 50+ gallons of WATER per Min. - That is a LOT of water - that would provide for a entire neighborhood 24-7 or provide for a BIG hog opperation. I'm a beliver! YES, I said 50 gal per min. PS: He's a local guy lives off NC210 - PM me for more info.
I have a set and they do work. Honestly, the first time I messed with them I was stumpted. They moved on their own with no help from me. Some say it's "Devil's work." C'mon... the devil is way too busy in D.C. to be bothered with my mess.
yeah, the divining works, but i'm not buying that he can determine the gender of the occupant of a grave.
I remember distinctly a neighbor of ours in the country coming out with his divining rod (when we were building our new house) and walking the property to determine where the well should be dug. When the digging started the drillers were amazed at (as they called it) the "underground river" they struck. I'm a country girl... and I'm a believer
Curious, how many people had this done with little to any results? Would the results really have been any different or possibly better if they were say 10 feet off? Did they agree to the job because of prior knowledge of geographical conditions? Sorry, I have a hard time believing in magic.
What is it then, the vine longing to take root? If you could prove that we may have the end to the PETA problem. They won't eat plants or animals! :mrgreen: Sounds like a job for the Myth Busters
I don't really know, I need to research it, but it's probably something to do with the earth's magnetism. I was talking to DH about it this morning and he has seen it done as well, back before we were married. He also suggested contacting Mythbusters about it as well!