I saw the ad/calendar on 4042, just wondering if anyone tried it yet. I might give it a go after the New Year...you know, with keeping up the New Years resolution that I'll probably break after a week...lol.
Its on the home page of 4042. I saw it yesterday and thought I would see if anyone else has taken it yet. http://www.4042.com/cal/calendar.php?mode=view&id=426 There's also a website listed, www.yogaisgood.com Pretty good prices!
Dang, looks interesting, have always thought about getting into yoga, but it is all the way out at Flowers Plantation in Clayton - way too far to go when ya live in the 4042 area.
Hey, I saw this post on the yoga classes. Just want to let you know that they are held at Flowers and also at 40/42 across the street from Lowe's Home Improvement. Yes, I am a new member. I really enjoy looking through the posts. For someone new to the area, you can learn a lot. I'll just keep looking....
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly... which I did not! The Clayton Center, Room 300 $120/resident $125/non-resident Ten Weeks Classes begin September 10 All levels of students welcome. Anyone interested may join at anytime at a drop in rate of $15. Register by visiting www.east2ndstreetyoga.com or call 270-4892 for more information. Beginner Basics Thursdays 6-7:30pm Room 305 Instructor: Bob Maiers Designed for those new to yoga. Learn beginning yoga poses, gentle relaxation techniques and home practice routines. Yoga Foundations Mondays 10-11:30am Mondays 7:15-8:45pm Wednesdays 5:30-7:00pm Instructor: Catharine Eberhart Designed to continue developing the fundamentals of yoga in a gentle class as you increase your strength and flexibility. Practice breathing techniques to ease stress and calm your mind. On Going Multi-Level Wednesdays 7:15-8:45pm Instructor: Catharine Eberhart Designed to deepen your practice and understanding of the many facets of yoga and is physically more demanding than Foundations. Open to experienced students or by instructor’s permission.