those 5lb. bags of raw, shelled peanuts. you know, the ones that come in the small burlap type bags....anyone know where to get them? Thanks.
Here are some ideas where you might find them: Farmer's Market JR's in Smithfield Cracker Barrel Produce stand at corner of Cornwallis & Cleveland School Rd. Lowe's Foods?
I didn't think of Cracker Barrel! :mrgreen: will call them. I know Farmer's Market has them, just trying to avoid going to Raleigh. I am hoping someone has seen them at DR Wells or some of the local Mom & Pop's.
I make sugar roasted peanuts for everyone....(neighbors, teachers, friends, etc) :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: you can be nosey! How ya feeling?
You could call Austin's General Store in Four Oaks.....they might have them. They have alot of Christmas candy, etc.
Looks like it'll be the Farmer's Market.....I have not had any luck elsewhere. I guess I can make the most of my trip there....:mrgreen: thanks to all!
yes, and yes I meant, folks on uh huh. :mrgreen: how's them youngin's? they getting better? you been MIA for a day or so....
:evil: They're better BUT!!! DS2 has learned the, "I don't feel good, I want to call mommy" trick. ... Little ****. We have new rules. To call home you must be: Bleeding, unconscious, vomiting or have a fever. :mrgreen: For the record, **** was t u r d not ****. Who knew t u r d was censored?!
LOL, you are a nicer mom than me, I only have 'vomiting' in the rules for calling.....:mrgreen: and I am serious.
Yeah, but vomiting ain't necessarily cause to come home in my book. Ya'll remember me posting about having to pick DS up from school the day they had that "Get Motivated" seminar in Raleigh. He got gagged on a chicken nugget, threw up, no fever, not sick and I STILL had to come get him. Some kids just have a stronger gag reflex than others, but it's a rule that if they throw up, you have to come get them. I hate it for him, but he was not sick. Their timing is impeccable.
I don't feel so bad now...HA..thanks for making me LOL KDC....not laughing at the kids, just at your justification that vomiting is over rated. ROTFLMAO
My son will do it if he coughs too hard! He's never been able to have a dental x-ray, because they can't leave those little plastic things in his mouth long enough, I hope he grows out of it soon, because braces are in his future. The impressions are going to be SO much fun for him.
one of my twins used to be like that....gagged at the word gagging...he finally has grown out of it.... I am STILL laughing, just for the record.....sometimes us gals sure do crack me up!:-D