Clayton XMas Parade

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by CakePrincess, Dec 9, 2007.

  1. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I think they do get paid something, to help offset their cost.
  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    What is the point then? WJHS was not at the parade, it was stated by someone it was because they weren't getting paid enough to come to the parade. Either they were getting paid or they weren't. Just seems a little ungrateful to a community that does seem to support this band to not go march in the community parade, paid or not. There wasn't enough left over from any of these fundraisers to cover the difference? Seems like that should have been in the budget somewhere to start with then. But I guess it's more important to go to the far off places than to let the community that helped them get there see them first hand.
  3. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I was not the one that said it was because of the money. I don't know why they didn't go, they have gone in the past and they are doing other local parades. I was trying to answer why it costs us to go to these parades and why we have to use buses.

    The point is that this post was not originally about 'why didn't WJHS march in the parade'. But thats what its been turned into - and then a huge debate about its finances! :confused:
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    It turned into a debate because some felt the band wasn't being "supported". That is simply not the case from where I sit. I don't even have a kid there, but I have bought stuff from various fundraisers since I have been here for all different schools and organizations. Community support works both ways.
  5. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

  6. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

  7. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Your daughter is in the Clayton band, right? I'm many other parades have they done for the xmas season?
  8. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    We drive several kids along with my daughter to and from school club activities all the time. And parents don't have provisional licenses.
  9. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    My sister was the drum major when we were in high school and they played at many a local parade. You got kids into their uniforms while at home. They grabbed their instruments and music, and got into the car and we all rode to the parade. Daddy dropped Mom and the drum major and assorted band friends w/instruments that rode with us, off at the starting place...and Daddy and the rest of us parked. When mom got the kids where they needed to be and everyone safety-pinned as need be, and such...she joined us. The ride home was similar.

    Why can't WJHS parents do that? As far as I can tell, flutes, clarinets, drums, tubas, saxes, etc...have not gotten any bigger since then.
  10. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    When my sister's HS band would particpate in parades, they had a plan "B". There was no percussion pit. The drums were scaled down. Etc.

    No problem.
  11. ECAVE

    ECAVE Well-Known Member

    How about this...

    WJHS address is Benson, not Clayton.

    They did not march in the Benson either.

    Why didn't Clayton march at Benson - because that is not there town.
  12. kaiser soze

    kaiser soze Well-Known Member

    Yes, I'd like to know how many parades Clayton HS has marched in this year.

    I seem to remember West Johnston Marching in Cleveland's 4th, Benson's Mule Days, 4 Oaks Christmas parade, and Smithfield's Christmas parade. When all of you who are complaining about them not giving back to their community, it seems to me that's quite a few communities they are "giving back to".
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Yeah, cuz kids from Benson, Smithfield, and Four Oaks go to West Johnston. Those are the communities that are supporting the band.
  14. kaiser soze

    kaiser soze Well-Known Member


    If I am understanding your logic, Clayton HS would only have to march in one parade because only one community supports them?
  15. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    It wasn't my logic, it was your excuse.
  16. Vociferous

    Vociferous Guest

    a quick look at the Clayton band's website shows participation in only on Christmas Parade this season, the Clayton one.

    I suppose it is typically a rule of thumb within Johnston Co. bands to play in parades where your feeder schools are. Because most of West is made up of the "Cleveland" community there isn't a clear-cut hometown Christmas parade. However, because they do draw kids from the Smithfield and Four Oaks regions more than any other municipality, I imagine this is how they base the decision to perform in local parades.

    if i remember correctly over the past few years West has only marched Clayton once, that being last year. Why the fuss this year?
  17. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    For a variety of reasons, I wouldn't expect to see that many HS bands participating in a parade in Clayton. This isn't Raleigh nor is it the county seat. It would have been nice to see a little more participation in that arena but there was quite a bit missing this year. The filler stuff like the Dunn Clowns. The Animated Animals are good, but you have to have the Dunn Clowns in your Christmas Parade. I'd really like to hear an explanation of why Caterpillar wasn't in there either. Usually they drive some of their equipment through.

    Perhaps it was more scheduling conflict than anything else with most of them. No excuse though for Caterpillar. Of course, it wasn't bad. My son left happy and like was said earlier, we left with more candy than we could have expected at Halloween! Since I go mostly for my boy and he gets a charge out of catching the candy, I guess that's what really matters. I do think there needs to be more commercial input next year though. I wonder how much Clayton charges for a parade entry? Maybe they're charging too much!?
  18. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Another reason i am glad my kids are grown now:lol:
  19. kaiser soze

    kaiser soze Well-Known Member quick to throw daggers.
    I wasn't making an excuse for Clayton.
    I just wanted an explanation. Thank you "Vociferous" for yours.

    I feel that Clayton & all HS bands should be in more than just one parade.
    more bands=more music=better parade.
    ..........and don't you just LOVE a good drum cadence????

    Anyone going to the Smithfield parade tonight?
  20. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member the Garner Christmas parade, we had Garner High school, SE Raleigh High School, West Lake, Millbrook ....all kinds of high schools.

    And only Garner High School is in Garner.

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