The things kids say.....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by mnredsky, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    This morning my 10 year old said something that made me choke on my coffee
    so I thought I would share. Maybe this can become a thread we can share what our kids say to us that makes us laugh.

    As I was making breakfast I heard my son singing "Ice baby Ice" over and over again.
    So I asked him, "where did you hear that?"
    He said, "It was a song on the radio yesterday."
    I immediately knew where it came from and told him that the words were Ice, Ice baby. So he starts singing it that way.

    Couple minutes passed by (him still singing these 3 words) and he asked, "what is the guys name that sings that song?" I told him "vanilla ice" and that it was a popular song when I was a teenager (feeling old).

    He said, "well that's a stupid name, he should have named himself Yellow Snow!" I thought I was going to die laughing...... :lol::lol::lol::lol:
  2. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    The funniest thing mine ever said was over the summer she was at the beach with her grandma 2 weeks. She called me was talking and asked me if I would go get her some K-Y warming gel for her feet cause grandma keeps her house cold and her feet were cold all night. I told her it was only for grown up
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I'm convinced kids were put on this earth to make us laugh. I think I have posted this before but once we were in Chik-fil-A in Garner. DS was maybe 4 years old. In walks this teenager with a huge, red mohawk. My son just watches him quietly for a few minutes, then pipes up loud enough for half the restaurant to hear " DAD!!! He looks like a chicken! " I thought I was going to choke laughing so hard, so were the people that heard him. Not sure if the object of his attention heard him........................... but he did look like a giant chicken with red comb on it's head. :lol:
  4. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Actually you have that backwards. Whether through devine intent, or evolution, kids make us laugh so we don't end up killing them before they get a chance to grow up.
  5. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    LOL! That was my original thought, but I left it unexpressed! Seemed a little harsh! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. Vitameatavegemin

    Vitameatavegemin Well-Known Member

    my first reaction was :shock: but then I snorted iced tea...thanks for that laugh!
  7. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    We went to see Santa last week. My almost three year old was very thoughtful in line deciding what to ask for....he sits on Santa's lap and asks politely for a Diego toy. Santa says ok and pulls out a candy cane. Little one gets down and looks perplexed and said "Mommy I told him I wanted a Diego toy, but all he gave me was this little candy???" It was all I could do to stop him to go tell Santa his mistake!!

    On Halloween he dressed up as a pumpkin (very unoriginal child!) and big brother was not going to dress up. At the last minute brother puts on his karate Gi and goes as a Ninja. Well as they were walking big brother says "hurry up little pumpkin" and Little one answers "OK, No costume!!" It was really funny!!!!:lol::lol:
  8. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Your welcome. lol I have a rather odd child. She asked for a toolbox ( pink none the less) for christmas this year. I asked her what for ? she said she wanted to learn how to work on cars. I hope she's not planning on working on mine. I am starting to think she spends way to much time with my brother. He taught her to spit the other day not just spit as she called it hocking loogies. There is nothing stranger than a little girl dressed in pink carrying a babydoll around and hocking loogies to see how far they can go. It could be worse she could be a boy. lol
  9. Vitameatavegemin

    Vitameatavegemin Well-Known Member

    Ha! More power to her! Gotta love a girly girl with SKILL!
    My little brother taught me how to burp, way back when we were kids... he was 'gifted' that way!!
    Heck, I think all girls should learn about first car was an orange 1974 VW Karmann Ghia (looked like a squashed Bug) with the engine in the back. I had a mechanic tell me that I needed a new radiator for it, and I was so car-ignorant...I didn't have the money at the time, so I told him no and found out later that my car was FAN COOLED and didn't HAVE a radiator....:oops: I was SO embarrassed and at that moment decided to learn more about cars so I wouldn't be taken advantage of. Girls need to learn how to change a tire, and other basic maintenance... also around the house stuff, too...
    She will love her pink tool box... I think it's a great idea...maybe I'll ask for one, too!
  10. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    SKILLSAW. Woo Hoo!
    My mommy has her own tool box. She's cool like that. I just use DH"s - IF I can find them:?
  11. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    I'll never forget the time we were walking in Wal-Mart and this heavy guys passes us in his scooter. My son looked up at me and asked, "Mom, why are fat people always riding those things?" I didn't know what to say. We moved along quickly.
  12. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    My son found out this year that there is no Santa. He than asked me about the tooth fairy I looked at him and he said there isn't one is there. Two days later in the car he came out with "I guess the odds on the Easter Bunny aren't good." I just cracked up. Before anyone starts my son is old enough to understand. I am just happy he believed for as long as he did, and he understands more about Christmas now and the true meaning. We are being Santa to 3 little children and he feels really good helping like this.
  13. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    FUNNY! I asked my kid that question.....kidding!

    that and when did fat become justification for a handicap placard? kidding on that too.
  14. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    Once my son & I went down over to meet a new neighbor a few years back. There was a child playing out front and because of his size, I mistakenly assumed that the boy was about the same age as my son. The Mom explained that both she & here husband were height challenged and as a result, the children were a little shorter than the norm for their age. The mom said she was only 5'2 ... I mentioned that I was also 5'2 but she looked taller to me. I didn't realize she was wearing rather high heels. After kicking off her shoe, she asked my son if she & I looked the same. My son hadn't been listening to the entire conversation so he wasn't really sure what to say. He looked up and replied to the new neighbor - "No, you're much fatter than my Mom" :oops: I was soooo embarrassed. Unfortunately, I believe I have that neighbor by a long shot in the weight category now ... My son was 4 at the time, but I had to explain to him that you never wanted to tell a woman that she was fat or old. Hopefully he will remember that through life.

    Another time, my son was very concerned ... He told an individual he really hoped her chicken pox got better soon. Unfortunately, the individual didn't have chicken pox ... just acne. :oops:

    When out shopping my son asked for a pricey toy. I told him I didn't have the money to buy it. He told me to just go to the bank and tell them I wanted some money. At the time, he didn't really understand that folks had to earn their money ... he just thought the bank just handed it out to anyone who asked for it. Hopefully he realizes now that demanding money from the bank ... that wasn't in your account ... could get you in a little hot water.

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