and HarleyGirl, I think you are smart enough to know that the reason you are happily married has nothing to do with cigarettes.
Okay...all you long term smokers. I am trying to figure how well my Mom has done. I need to know an approximate amount she would have spent if she was smoking about 20-24 cigs a day back in 1986??? I want to plug it into the Quitmeter. I have no clue what the prices would have been then?? Should I use those prices or an avg between what it was then and what it is now to keep up with rising costs? What's a carton cost nowadays. I think she smoked the fancy long slim cigs...Virginia Slims?? Any help out there.....
Girl, I know. I need to call you to check on ya. I'm REALLY bad about that stuff ya know. YET? If I end up PG, somethings wrong! :lol::lol: I hate kids :lol:
:lol: Yeah! I used to hate kids too (really). Then I had my own. just haven't met my kids yet. My sweeties would steal your heart, especially my little 9yo charmer boy. I haven't seen a lady yet who could resist that little sweetheart. I bet he would adore you. YES!! I am bragging. You go through 4 pregnancies, you raise 'em up to respect you and others, you do the hard work, you get to have braggin rights...K:lol::mrgreen:
Carton of Virginia Slims Ultra Lights Menthol - $32 - $5 (q-pon) - $3 (q-pon because no one chex them) = $24 for 200 cigs = .12 EACH :mrgreen:
that is good help for MommySaidso! I think she asked for price BY THE PACK though, trying to figure out how much money her MIL saved since she quit smoking.
Actually, it's for my Mom who is still living and stopped 22 years ago. My MIL passed away from smoking 6 mo ago. I guess then, I'll take the avg and plug in about $2.65. Thanks!! is my Mom's info. Pretty impressive I'd say: You've now been a non-smoker for: 20years, 9months, 15days, 0hours & 0minutes In that time you've saved over $20,113.50 You've avoided smoking over 182160 cigarettes. You've extended your life by over 885.5 days. Since you've quit smoking: After 20 minutes, your blood pressure drops back to normal In 8 hours, the carbon monoxide levels in your bloodstream drop by half, and oxygen levels return to normal In 48 hours, your change of having a heart attack decreases. All nicotine has left your system. You sense of taste and smell return to a normal level In 72 hours, your bronchial tubes relax and your energy levels increase In 2 weeks, your circulation increases and continues to improve for the next 10 weeks In 2 month coughs, wheezing and breathing problems dissipate as your lung capacity improves by 10% In 1 year, your risk of having a heart attack drops by half 5 years after quitting, your risk of having a stroke will return to that of a non-smoker 10 years after quitting, your risk of lung cancer will return to that of a non-smoker 15 years after quitting, your risk of a heart attack will return to that of a non-smoker