Ok, I am sick up and fed with Bank of America. I have been checking my bank account on line and saw that it was getting low, which was expected. On Wednesday I was at a balance of about $25. Several items hadn't "cleared" and were listed as "pending". Over Wednesday night I had a debit charge hit for $50 which I forgot about. Did BoA just move that debit to the end and charge me $35 for an overdraft? Nooooo. They re-arranged the prior pending debits so that the $50 debit came before four others and suddenly I have four overdrafts, each one costing me $35, for a total of $140. Now I will admit that the over draft was my fault. But I don't think it's right or fair for BoA to re-arrange the account debits so that they can get as much overdraft fees as possible. So, I'm looking for a new bank. Which bank do you bank with that you have been happy with?
I use BB&T personally and have since we moved to Clayton almost 7 years ago. I've had zero problems, they even helped me out a couple years ago when an ISP was hitting me up WEEKLY for their MONTHLY fee. I also like Four Oaks Bank, use them for work and have found them to be wonderful as well. Get over-draft protection if you can, saves a lot of pain.
State Employees Credit Union here. I have had that same sitch happen to me a time or two, and they will cover it for you and not 'return' the items as NSF. They still charge you the $12 fee, but don't return it to the vendor/business. I have been with them for over 7 years and have no complaints. They have helped me with lots of stuff.
Coastal Federal Credit Union. Although I am a member via my place of employment you can become a member by joining their Coastal Capital Club with a one time $10.00 fee if you are not employed by one of their employee groups. I've NEVER been charged any type of fees AT ALL! I've been with them for 10 years and have never had a complaint. My checking is with them, both my sons college funds and one of my auto loans. They are great!! Here's the website to some of their info. http://www.coastalfcu.org/personalbanking/checking.htm
Maxwell House, a shovel and your backyard are your safest bets! For checking, gotta be a credit union.
use a credit union. they exist to serve you, the depositor and owner. regular banks exist to serve shareholders and boardmembers and will screw you every chance they get.
Just to clarify, BoA is not sending the charges back (not that they could, since it's charged via a debit card). No, my complaint is that they re-arranged the debits so that they could charge four fees instead of one.
All the big banks do that, process the largest item first. it "earns" them more money. A credit union is your best bet. If you have a close relative that works for the state, they can sponsor you so you will be eligible for the SECU. If there's no credit union available to you, then I would suggest a local bank, such as KS Bank or Bank of Four Oaks. Good luck.
Crescent State Bank Clif, I've had EVERY bank and Crescent has been good to me! DO NOT GO TO FOUR OAKS
Sounds like maybe Harley has had a bad experience with them though. Hope it wasn't the Clayton office, that's the one I deal with.
Well I know back when I lived up in that area the drive-thru tellers were less than friendly on more occasions than not. But as far as the big wigs at FO, they're hats off in my book. But hey, as long as they credit my account right and give me the correct change I could care less if you're having a good day or not. I'll still smile at'cha.
We've been with Four Oaks for over 10 years now. Used to drive to the one in Clayton just to bank before the one was built here. Never had any problems with them. Like you, I can't stand Bank of America. That's who we had prior to Four Oaks.
Gosh, the ladies there are awesome now! But I am there almost every day, LOL. They practically have me on the payroll. :lol:
I've been with Wachovia for 10 years, back when they were First Union then transferred to Wachovia. I love them, and always have, they've been great!