that reminds me of an old joke two ol' boys were out duck hinting one day, when along came the game warden.....
The N&O starts the article out with the second word being “banned”. You ask the question and then ask it again below in a different way. Banning/Censorship is just plain wrong (see link under your “But isn’t banning books wrong?”) in my opinion and I believe in the Supreme Court’s opinion also, see below: “Local school boards may not remove books from school library shelves simply because they dislike the ideas contained in those books …” — U.S. Supreme Court in Board of Education, Island Trees School District v. Pico (1982) The Pico case is the most important court decision to date concerning school libraries and the First Amendment. In it, the Court recognized that the First Amendment rights of students are “directly and sharply implicated” when a book is removed from a school library. Therefore, the discretion of school boards to remove books from school libraries is limited. The law requires that if a book is to be removed, an inquiry must be made as to the motivation and intention of the party calling for its removal. If the party’s intention is to deny students access to ideas with which the party disagrees, it is a violation of the First Amendment. (Also see Book censorship section.) Fahrenheit 451 is read in the Clayton High School and the teens do projects and evaluate the book in great length. Not sure about the others yet. Who makes the decisions? Certainly not. It does not matter if it is a single person, but it does matter if it is Constiutional! Once again, who makes the decision? Grace
I freakin HATE people who aren't creative enough (or in this case intellectual enough) to find their own avatar.....I spent hours the other night finding one, and a new person came on (and I wont name them but they have a string of christmas lights as their avatar) STOLE IT. I got up the next day and they had it ....ticks me off.
Just joking y'all. I decided I like this look better. Just having some fun. Too bad clif will ignore me from now on. He made the rest of you look like mental midgets. Have a great Weekend! :evil:
grace twice you asked who makes the decisions. i would assert that i have more of a right to make that decision (what is appropriate and inappropriate) as it relates to my child than the school system does. but then every kid would be subjected to different standards. so, we develop community standards about which we can all mostly agree.
You are welcome. I am as shocked as anyone. Saw a few good points and questions and addressed those that I wanted to. Grace