Okay...we're all friends here, but this is just nasty. I can understand, under severe conditions, a family trying not to flush often. But this Durham Council woman states clearly that she does not flush when she uses a public toilet...and urges others not to flush in public. That's...just...gross. Not to mention VERY unsanitary. I dont think I could bring myself to use a public toilet filled with stranger's waste. I can use paper plates, and I have low-flush receptacles in my house as well as a low-flow shower. But I just couldn't do this. http://www.newsobserver.com/news/story/833729.html
Reminds me of my grandmother's house as a kid. She had an outhouse since there was no indoor bathroom, and she also had a chamber pot with a lid on it under the bed that she emptied at the end of each day. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamber_pot - kind of like this but it was metal.
And that reminds me of National Lampoon's European Vacation...where Clark Griswald uses the chamber pot to brush his teeth and rinse his toothbrush. :lol:
This is different for guys, because a urinal has much less opportunity for 'splash-back'. I am sure it was brown, she'd flush it down.
Does the public at large really need urging NOT to flush? Think ladies of how many public stalls you actually enter that are freshly flushed...a rarity by my count.
Wow... We've got a councilmember in Durham telling folks not to flush in public...yet... They've got at least one leak that they haven't fixed for weeks and weeks... Wonder how many public toilets could be flushed for that much water?
This whole concept creates a new profession. "Designated Flusher". They actually had these at a football game in Georgia this year. Asked everyone at the game to just let the flushers do their jobs. When I first heard this I wondered which was the higher paying job? Flusher or concession worker?