Did anyone watch it Sunday night? If so, did you see Denise's sob story of how she lost her cafeteria job due to going on Survivor and was demoted to school custodian? And if so, you know that because of this story, Mark Burnett gave her $50K, right? Well... :shock:
They were on GMA today... After she had the nerve to talk about the other's lying, backstabbing, etc. Sounds like the pot calling the kettle.... :roll::roll::roll:
You know, that's really too bad, because I was all excited about how Mark Burnett gave her that 50k. Wonder if they'll take it back now?
Yeah - I still feel sorry for her though, you know people at her work and town are gonna be giving them a hard time about all this. How sad to go from someone who was probably getting lots of positive attention, to now, this. :-( But it is bad how her statement to the 3 that were left was about how you should be so honest, and then she is not so honest herself about her job situation. I would've like to see Amber win. I think she played the hardest physically and mentally.
When do they leave to start filming Survivor? I'm just curious. In the article it said she was promoted on March 30, 2007, how much time did she actually work in that custondian position before she went on her leave of absence? If she worked before she left was it day shift or night shift, she said she was working nights now, was that her request? I don't know....there is two sides to every story, I just really don't see Denise being that manipulative and trying to screw over the hand that feeds her, but hey...what the heck do I know about her...just saw her on TV.
On the morning show Denise said that she hadn't been working that long in that position and that it required nights, but it paid better and had better benefits. And she said the school was great about giving her time off to be on the show, she kept apologizing and saying how great the school had been. But while she was away, she missed her family so much, that when she got back she wanted to go back to the lunch room so she could work days, but they wouldn't let her. But the school rep explained that she was not aware of her request and that the reason she couldn't have her old job back was that is wasn't avail anymore. Thats why the school was upset that she made them look bad - when it doesn't sound like it was their fault, but that Denise didn't fully explain her situation Sun night.
I missed it last week. So, who is left now and when is the finale? Did Mark just decide to give her the money based on her sad story or was the money already allocated to give to one of the final 4 and she just happened to be the one to get it?
This past Sunday was the finale. Todd won. Amber, Todd and Cortney were the last 3. Mark Burnette gave her the $$ after he heard about her job situation, felt sorry for her.
I sure do. Now which one of you were supposed to call and remind me that it was coming on????? Someone just got on the naughty list :-(
Wasn't her name Amanda? I didn't care for her, I wanted James to win. But he made the biggest mistake EVER by being so trusting and not playing an immunity idol when he had the chance. And since it was Amanda's idea to vote him out that night, I'm glad she didn't get anything. :mrgreen:
You can probably watch it online if you still want to see it. They had all the other episodes available on their website so I would imagine this one is too.
I liked James too. He really should have played the idol when he had the chance. Since he had both idols would he have been able to play them twice? I know he is kicking himself right now for not using them.
I think Todd is just as guilty (of wanting James off) and I thought he was much more manipulative, and he woulda turned on either of them if he'd had immunity. I think she actually 'played harder', using strength and mental. Todd never won a challenge and seemed to quit pretty easily. But thats just my humble opinion - doesn't really matter now! :-D
Think what you like of Todd (my personal opinion is something akin to weasel), but he played the best game. Every step he took was calculated to get himself further in the game, and he worked the system perfectly. Although I would have hated to see Courtney win, she played the most honourable game. As far as I could tell, she did not intentionally lie, nor did she use any negative strategies to move forward. The only reason she was in the final three was because everyone else got voted off first. Or, to look at it another way, the only reason she was in the final three was because they ran out of people to vote off before the end of the game. My main complaint about Courtney was that she hated John Robert for no reason whatsoever. (That and she kept pets like Frosti and, given enough time, Todd)
Did anyone else think that at the finale, with his hair done the way it was, that Todd looked like he could have been one of Santa's elves?