Present Question - What To Do?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Clif, Dec 17, 2007.

  1. Clif

    Clif Guest

    I'm in a unique quandary (well, maybe not all that unique).

    I think I know what someone is getting me for Christmas. Or at least what they would like to get me, but are having a heck of a time trying to acquire one (which helps in giving me the idea what is probably is).

    I'm not 100% sure, but more like 90% sure.

    Now on to my problem. Like I said, she's having a heck of a time getting it, to the point of almost coming to tears yesterday when she came home from an early morning jaunt to the mall (or where ever she went). Now she's talking about getting something else. Which, of course, is ok. But the fact that she thought long and hard and came up with (if I'm right) a great present, only to reject it and get "something else" just doesn't seem right.

    My problem is that I can't talk to her about it, obviously, since I'm not supposed to know what it is.

    So, how should I handle this?
  2. gaby's mom

    gaby's mom Well-Known Member

    Since you aren't supposed to know I would let it go. She's obviously stressed enough that she isn't able to find what she is looking for and if you mention something it may make matters worse.

    just my 2 cents....
  3. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    This is why I say NO gifts!

    Clif, if she's having that much of a hard time finding it (that you aren't supposed to know), drop a hint, website or something. Stop making the girl cry :lol:
  4. soulshine

    soulshine Well-Known Member

    If you know where to get the item just start a casual conversation like " I think after Christ mas I am going to ______ and get _______ . I've always wanted one and I think they may have it on sale after Christmas.
  5. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I'd tell her that you've caught on, and it might actually relieve some of her stress. Maybe it's something that the two of you could go after Christmas and get together (if it's something that is out of stock now because of the holidays). Anyway, just a thought, that's probably what I would do.
  6. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I agree with soulshine here,....make it casual conversation and let on to where they are readily available.....don't dare tell her you are onto her idea, you will spoil it! (and possibly hurt her feelings) If she ends up not being able to get what you are thinking, she may use it for another gift giving occasion. Don't spoil it by letting her know...I am sure you are like most men, and hard to buy for!
  7. KnuckleBeach

    KnuckleBeach Member

    I'm guessing it is the Nintendo Wii. They have been tough to get but are getting much easier. Friends of mine got them at Target yesterday (They usually get their shipments on Satuday Nights). People line up early on Sunday to get them. Last I heard the Target at north hills mall in Raleigh got 78 on Sunday. I'm sure they are all gone by now....but hopefully she will have luck next Sunday. Seems like more and more are in stock these days. Just need to get there a bit early and have some luck.

    If she can't get it....I'm sure she knows you will understand.
  8. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    Easy Sneezy...tell someone else and let them tell her that you mentioned wanting that...and that they know where to get it. :mrgreen:
  9. Clif

    Clif Guest

    I have a philosophy on presents...

    A present is something giver thinks the receiver wants or needs, but would not necessarily buy for themselves. (Kids are excluded)

    You don't ask what someone wants for a present. If the person wanted it enough to mention it, they could just as easily buy it for themselves. No, it's up to the giver to get to know the receiver well enough that they shouldn't have to ask.

    With that in mind, I told her last night that, since she thought it out and had it set in mind what she wanted to give me, it was more important that she give me the present she intended me to have, even if it were a couple of days after Christmas, rather than give me something that's not exactly it only so that I could have the present on Christmas day.

    I told her, if she wants, I would be happy with a gift-card for the exact amount of the present (or a rain-check) and a picture of the thing I am to buy.
  10. Clif

    Clif Guest

    So much for avoiding actually saying anything specific, since I'm not supposed to know what it is.
  11. claytonian

    claytonian Well-Known Member

    My son mentioned to me that he was having trouble getting the gift he wanted to get for me. I told him he did not need to get something for me but that if he really wanted to and it was bothering him that he would not get it in time that I would be fine with him printing out a picture of it and wrapping it up so I could see what he was getting me once it became available.
  12. iDidIt

    iDidIt Well-Known Member

    I'm just surprised that anyone would be buying Clif a present :rolleyes:
  13. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Awww...come on now...where is your Christmas spirit??;):lol:

    I'd buy a gift for Clif - He's cool!!

    I'm actually impressed at how much thought Clif has put into keeping this person from being upset. Also, his "gift" philosophy is not what you usually expect to find in a least not in my experience.

    Clif...I like Ken's suggestion!
  14. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Ok. ... Here's whacha do.
    You'll need her friends/family's help. ...

    Get a friend or family member in on it that can keep their mouth shut.

    Buy the thing.

    Let them tell her they found her one and got it for her, since they knew she was looking... ;) ;).

    You give it to them, they give it to her, she pays them, they pay you, she gives it to you for Christmas.
    Everyone's happy.
  15. iDidIt

    iDidIt Well-Known Member

    Wow, you put a lot of thought into that one. Good idea! You must have been a mischeiveous teenager . . .
  16. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

  17. Clif

    Clif Guest

    A great idea. What if I'm wrong, though? Like I said, I'm only 90% sure. There is one other potential (although, with all due respect to her, I doubt she'd think to do it); it's entirely possible she already got it and is trying to make me think she wasn't able to.
  18. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Ok... Tell a "helper" you have a plan, IF that is what it is. If it's not,- tell them you don't want to know anything, forget you asked.

    If that's the case, your "helper" will shoot you a line of crap anyway. probably tell you you're way off the mark and you still won't know what she has or hasn't done.

  19. KnuckleBeach

    KnuckleBeach Member

    Nobody was saying you should tell her you know what it is. I was just commenting that she will probably have better luck finding the gift for you now that the demand seems to be dropping. Thus your probelm will be solved without any action needed on your part.

    Boy, lighten up Clif. It's the holidays after all.

    Cheers! ;)
  20. Clif

    Clif Guest

    I know y'all are just dying to find out what the ultimate ending to this saga is...

    It was a Wii, or, more precisely, a Wii rain check from Game Stop guaranteeing the Wii by January 25th.

    That's what I was hoping for. I would have happily accepted an XBox 360 so I could play Halo 3 with my sons (one is in Germany), but the Wii was the preferred choice.

    Oh, and I just got the call that my Wii is in. I pick it up on the way home. :)

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