Wake to examine impact of wells on Falls Lake

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Kent, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member


    Some of the posted comments on this story so far:

    "...a study isn't needed, there is already plenty of research out there on wells."

    "Just like the govt. Bad planning and instead of fixing the problem, they come after people with wells. Deep wells and falls lake will have little to do with each other. Course it will take a million dollar study, while doing nothing to fix the problem, to find that out. Typical politicians. Why do they keep getting voted back in?"

    "Any well owner like Valerie Dudley who continues to waste water is absolutely selfish and stupid."

    "How can you people find fault with people that have wells? These people have bought and paid for their wells. If they run them dry then that is their fault. The main point is that the well is on their property and thus they have a right to use the water as they see fit. Quit crying,it's called private ownership. You know the American dream."

    "How typical of government. They've clearly mis-managed the resources they're responsible for, and now they need to do a study to see if they can manage someone else's resources."

    "Just because the idiots that planned 10 residences on 1 acre in Raleigh and OVERDEVELOPED THE HE** OUT OF THE CITY I really don't feel like my well water use should be regulated. If anything I probably use much less than most people. How about the fact that all other lakes are at or close to normal levels. Falls lake was never intended to serve a million people and this is the fault of our wonderful elected officials. I plan to wash my car or whatever else as I see fit."


    "Irresponsible behavior of water use during a drought should be addressed in any circumstance. If some idiots are more concerned with how green their grass is or how clean their car is over having water to drink, wash and bathe with then they should be punished."

    - - - - - - -

    I remember back in the "gas crisis" around 1979 how John Denver got raked over the coals because folks found out that he had built/purchased some extra gas tanks on his property. He was accused of hoarding. Even though he could afford the tanks and the gas, it was a PR disaster for him.

    It's going to get real interesting next Spring and Summer if we don't get some much-needed rain.

    Will folks with wells have to post an armed guard outside their homes?

    Should well owners be obligated to fill up buckets from those on city water whose line has gone dry or been severely limited by the city?

    Will the State try to FINE or PUNISH well owners for using their water for whatever purpose they like?

    Will Johnston Co. well owners get visits from their "northern" city neighbors demanding some water?
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    What if they decide to keep their own waste water? We would be in bad shape.
  3. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    You mean, instead of dumping it back into the Neuse so we can get it out for our drinking water?
  4. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Some of those comments look like people with wells think they have their own private underground lake on their own property, and their water use doesn't affect anybody else. We all draw from the same water table, and if my neighbor waters his lawn every day, it most assuredly can cause my well to go dry. Some people don't seem to feel they have any responsibility to the community.
  5. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Yep, as I drink a nice hot tea!
  6. KnuckleBeach

    KnuckleBeach Member

    Here is an older news story about water restrictions in Johnston County from back in May 2007.


    My favorite quote from the article is from Johnston County resident David Eckstein:

    “The Neuse River's got plenty of water in it. I don't see why now is going to affect.... It seems like we always catch up at the end of year, with rain anyway,” Eckstein said.

    I wonder if Mr. Eckstein is singing a different tune today?

    People can blame the politicians and local government about a slow response to the drought, but the sad truth is that even once the government officials on the local and state level finally did take action, the general public still continues to waste water. Even after the Governor pleaded with NC residents to reduce their water use we have seen only minor reductions made by the public. It is quite sad that people have to be "forced" to conserve rather than doing it voluntarily. The Residents of Johnston County and the Triangle who continue to waste water in light of this highly publicized drought should be ashamed for themselves.

    As far as wells go, I think it is good that they continue to take a look at their effect. At best, people who continue to use water from wells for such luxuries as washing their cars are being irresponsible. The fact that the current number of wells has a negligible effect on water levels in Falls Lake and the Neuse River does not mean that they couldn't have an effect in the future. If Triangle communities begin shelving development projects by preventing them from tapping into city water systems these new developments will increasingly turn towards drilling community wells to serve their new development. If enough individuals and developments start pulling from the groundwater you could eventually see effects in some areas in addition to individual wells going dry by the resulting cone of depression caused by too many users tapping into the same aquifer.

    Regardless of the naysayers, this is an issue that warrants a closer look. To dismiss it out of hand only contributes to the already ignorant views shared among those currently wasting water for frivolous purposes.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2007
  7. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I watched that news report yesterday and I was fuming when they were talking to that girl as she was WASHING HER CAR! :evil: (...see video at link in OP...)

    We have a well but I'm doing everything in my power to conserve water. I pack the dishwasher as tight as I possibly can. The kids have to wear their jeans more than once (as long as they don't show dirt) between washings. As long as I'm not going somewhere, I shower every other day. I do one load of laundry a day rather than 2 or 3, and I make sure my loads are full loads. We haven't washed a vehicle in months - they show it too!

    Even though we're on a well, I'd like to keep water in that well for future use. Also, I'm sure my neighbors would appreciate having water in their wells too. NO ONE should be wasting water these days, well water or not. :evil:

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