Speeding on Sommerset

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by mudpie, Dec 19, 2007.

  1. mudpie

    mudpie Guest

    I would like to hear from some of you out there that live on or around Sommerset Drive (South Plantation) that are tired of the speeders. The speed limit is 25 mph, and the slowest I ever see anyone going is about 40mph. I have actually had people behind me that get upset when I pull in and keep my speed within the limit!!
    The speeding is especially bad when leaving the subdivision at the top of the hill (right around the turns onto Ironwood). I have nearly been hit from behind on multiple occasions, despite my use of brake lights and turn signals, and I had a cat that was run over last year.
    Is anyone else frustrated like me? I have a four year-old that would like to ride his bike, but I am fearful of this given the current situation.
    Any suggestions on how to proceed? Speed bumps, speed traps, etc. Stop signs don't work!:evil:
  2. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    OMG, my brother used to live on that street. I actually had somebody pass me because I was going <gasp> 25. Your mailman (the one that drove the blue minivan) drives like a bat out of hell - floorit/screech, floorit/screech, floorit/screech. I wish you luck, it is ridiculous the way people fly down that road, I thought mine was bad! I don't think my nephew can ride his bike either. Just ridiculous! Nothing changed with the installation of speed limit signs.

    Just start calling the law is all you can do, and aren't there a few that live in your neighborhood? Call them every single time somebody flies by your house, get one of those speed detectors from the Discovery Channel store so you have an idea of how fast people are going and can report it when you call. Invite them to park in your driveway and catch people. They will have to be out there, visible, catching these people before they get it.

    Keep calling, keep squeaking!

    Form a neighborhod watch, do not put any "obstacles" (speedbumps) in the road. People will just drive around them into your yard - what do you expect from a bunch of asshats who completely ignore a posted speed limit in a subdivision? And do you know if they damage their car on said speedbumps YOU will have to pay for the damages?

    Anyways, good luck!
  3. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    There are a couple of speed bumps at the entrance to South Plantation. They are so small they don't do anything. I will admit sometimes I come in a little fast but I get off the gas pedal real quick. I live three doors from a cop and believe me it doesn't mean much. They try to avoid getting involved in the neighborhood stuff. (This was said by one of the cops.) And don't go jumping my back I come from a family of cops. In the morning it is bad in here everyone in a hurry. Well I be the one going extra slow on my way out just to p*** those people off. I've been here a little over a year and they still speed good luck. My son rides his bike in the driveway, it is paved and long.
  4. geekgirlie

    geekgirlie Member

    I live on Sommerset, also. It always annoys me that people drive the same speed on Polenta and Indian Camp that they do on Sommerset. :evil:

    My husband and I have also been passed before for doing the speed limit or for turning into our driveway (not to mention the times we've almost been rear ended for turning in even though we use our signals).

    A few months back, I think a lady was driving drunk coming out of the neighborhood on Sommerset and flipped her car, spilling oil and slippery stuff all over the road. About 4-5 times after that, cars jumped our ditch, went through our front yard and landed in our neighbor's yard (even totalling one of their cars).

    It's really insane.
  5. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I feel your pain. I hate ********, period! We live in Austin Pond and I HATE the cut threw my subdivision flying folks! They **** me off! THEY go FAST, because they don't even live in here! I make it a point to drive 25 or under and if someone speeds up on my rear, then I SLOW down. Thank God, I live at the end and don't have the cut throughs driving directly by my home and don't have to worry about the kids playing outside.

    I wonder, if someone wrecks in your yard, can you sue them to fix your sod, etc??
  6. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Yes, you certainly can. Their liability insurance should cover it.
  7. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    If you call or write the Highway Patrol and let them know what road and about what time of day the majority of the speeding takes place, I believe they will send an officer out to do a little patrolling. I've seen them in my neighborhood at least once every couple of weeks writing tickets during high traffic time and the speeders have really slowed down.
  8. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Maybe once the High School goes up across from you the speeding will stop?
  9. Centurian

    Centurian Well-Known Member

    Speed Enforcement

    Be forewarned: The Highway patrol in Johnston County has neither the time nor available manpower for any appreciable speed enforcement in subdivisions. The Sheriff's Department is basically in the same situation. Police Departments like Clayton's do a lot of speed enforcement in neighborhoods (especially the motorcycles), but the subdivisions mentioned above are outside their city limits.

    Speedbumps are your best bet for effective change.
  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Yes, but the squeaky wheel will get the grease. They are still PVA's (if not state maintained) with enforcable speed limits. Please see my post about speedbumps. I speak from experience. :)
  11. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    You could call the NCDOT resident engineer and ask if he could do anything.
  12. carolgilx

    carolgilx Well-Known Member

    I can tell you we tried for speedbumps with the DOT, they don't want them. They said because when it does snow and they need to scape the road, the speedbump is torn up so they won't scape it.
  13. mudpie

    mudpie Guest

    Amen to that brother!

    Thanks for all of your helpful suggestions. I was a little surprised by all of the positive responses considering the amount of speeding I see. I have even thought of posting signs in my front yard telling drivers to slow down. Anyone in South Plantation that wants to form a union of safe drivers? United we stand... and thanks again.
  14. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Might be time to move?
  15. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    Where would someone move to that doesn't have a speeding problem?
  16. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  17. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Why should THEY move?
  18. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    *snort, don't bother. BTDT too. I think it just brings out the passive aggressiveness in individuals.
  19. Karma

    Karma Guest

    Hey, tell the truth!!!

    There is no neighborhood watch the developer made you and your husband pull up the speedbumps you self-installed. I hope the road cracks and he makes you pay for the repairs since you drove stakes in his street.

  20. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member


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