New High school at polenta and indian camp??

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by rntobe, Dec 7, 2007.

  1. johnstoncogirl

    johnstoncogirl Well-Known Member

    Indian Camp/Monroe

    I am confused. I live really close to Monroe and Indian Camp roads and there is no way to have a high school at Polenta and Indian Camp that is "nothing near" Monroe Road. If it is at Polenta and Indian Camp it won't be on Monroe Road, but it will be pretty close by. If it was a house, it might be different, but this is a high school we are talking about which I assume will also have parking lots and ballfields and lots of cars and buses entering and exiting as part of the package. It is going to be big and sprawling and impact Monroe Road even if it isn't right on it. There will definitely be an impact on the traffic on Monroe, even if it doesn't get paved and isn't part of or even adjacent to the school grounds.

    I completely agree about that curve being one of the worst in Johnston County. That might be the best thing to come of the school being built there -- straightening a very dangerous patch of road.
  2. cvfdcaptain

    cvfdcaptain Well-Known Member

    the new high school IS going to be at the intersection of Polenta and Indian Camp Rds on the big tract of land directly across Indian Camp (if you go towards monroe rd from indian camp look left between the double wide and the next barn and you will see the survey markers)
  3. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Excellent post G and perfect logic, i would much rather have my children or grandchildren in a small more community oriented environment. All the peer pressure, needed to be like everyone else, is so lessened. BTW, i have you beat, i got my homeroom teacher in the 8th grade and she stayed with my whole homeroom class until we graduated - it is so much fun feeling a part of something and gives a teenager a sense of security.
  4. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    I picked up my cousin at WJHS on Thursday.

    WOW!! What an education for me just watching the teen hords leaving the school.

    How many students are there now - 5000? Not that many but still... it was like a distrubed hill of fire ants running all off the mound.

  5. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I know, scary isn't it! I always go a little late to pick up my child, HATE dealing with those teen drivers. Almost daily someone re-ends someone just getting out of the parking lot.........
  6. CakePrincess

    CakePrincess Well-Known Member

    Does this mean any students who attend Riverdell/Riverwood/Archer Lodge schools will be attending a new high school in CorinthHolder area??? Exactly where is it going to be at? Next to Archer Lodge? We desperately in need of a new high school here near Riverdell.
  7. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    Riverwood High School was originally slated to open in 2009 now it is 2010 same as Cleveland High School. They will be built just like WJHS the capacity is actually a little lower than WJHS.

    I have for the last 15 years gone with complaints about the buildings. They are building too many schools & to small. The elementary schools do not use all the land they sit on for themselves. Then when the area caps out of homes & people stay & their children grow up & move the schools have to be shut down. This is exactly what happened on Long Island. I forsee the same thing here, somewhere in the near furture.

    WJHS is already over 1k students over much for community school? The board has stated over & over again it cuts cost down building the same structure. It does not. They do not account for the land development. Not every piece of land is laid out the same in JOCO. Do you all realize that within a 1-3 mile radius off of 1010 & on 1010 from 42-210 where it breaks there will be a total of 4 elementary, 1 middle school & 1 high school. Has anyone put the forethought about the traffic in this area.

    Everyone just might as well stay home during drop off time & pick up time you can forget about 1010 hwy.
  8. C-H

    The other high school to be built (besides Cleveland) should be at the Corinth-Holder community according to news reports, not at Riverwood.
  9. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    I know teenagers scare me now. I think that is a true sign you are getting old. "DANG CRAZY LOAD MUSIC, fast noisy cars, get off my lawn."
  10. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    the new high school will be on applewhite rd.. my understanding is they have started the construction on this already. The one at riverwood keeps getting put on hold so not sure when it will open, the new high school on applewhite should open by 09...oh applewhite rd is off coverbridge rd...

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