Help....dogs missing

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ForeverFaithful, Dec 24, 2007.

  1. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    This morning my husband got up and put the dogs out in the yard, (fenced), and they ended up getting out. He has been out looking for them as well as my son. He last saw them over by the pond on 42 going toward Cleveland. If you are out and about, would you please keep an eye out for them?? I am not sure if their tags are on them right now because my daughter was giving them baths yesterday and I think she made a comment that some tags were missing, but not sure

    Chico is a chow/shephard mix, black and tan. His eyes look like they have eyeliner on them and his tongue is spotted.

    Belle is a lab/setter mix. She is redish in color, has a white tip on her tail, white on all four of her legs and a white spot on her head. Please, if you see them, call me. They will not bite and they love to ride in cars.


    Here is the best pix I have right now.

  2. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    Chico reminds me of my Chow/Collie mix that I had for over 13 years. She was all black but she looked alot like Chico in the face. She was one special dog.........

    I'll keep my eyes open for them. We live off of N. Shiloh between Cornwallis and Cleveland School Rd.
  3. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Thanks blus....My husband said he had just put them out, came in to put on his socks and he heard the poodle barking at the door. Went out and looked and they were gone. Even thought the wire was on, there were some other dogs in our yard and best we can figure is that Belle made up her mind and went through the gate.
  4. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Here is a little better picture of Belle:

  5. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    THEY ARE HOME!!! We finially found them. I am so relieved.

  6. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    Great Christmas present! Glad to hear your good news.
  7. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Awesome! I'm so glad your babies are home safe and sound.
  8. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Thanks...It would have definitly been a blue Christmas if they did not come home. My Chico ended up scraching his eye and eye lid, but he will be ok. Very relieved and since they have been home, all they want to do is lay down and be under my feet. Nothing like 3 dogs under foot when one is trying to do stuff, and I know how tough it can be. Last weekend I was baking cookies and the dogs were getting a few crumbs and Chico ended up pushing the pan while eating in my way and I stepped on it and slid across the kitchen and broke 2 toes! Plus bruised the back of one of my legs, which is now a pretty shade of green and yellow! Got a show on this weekend, but still painful, so did not need them under foot again, but made sure I kept an eye on them.
  9. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    So glad it was a happy ending.
  10. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear they are home.
  11. Grace Slick

    Grace Slick Well-Known Member

    Glad they are back. Sorry to hear about your spill. Hope those bruises and pains go away soon.

  12. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    They are getting there. Looking back now, I am sure I was very comical to watch, that is if anyone had been around to see what I did. LOL Toes still hurt somewhat, especially if I bump them or something like that, but that will go away in time. Am actually wearing shoes today. I have to now wear steeltoes at work, so at least the tootsies are protected. Have never worn these type of shoes before and feel like I am clumping everywhere.

    Oh and the puppies are doing fine!! Chico's eye is still bothering him a bit, but other than that, they are doing fine.
  13. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    So glad your babies are safe:-D:-D:-D

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