I tell you what one of the best games my neice got for the xbox was the dance pad and the rocker game thing lol, my whole family even my mom and dad got up on the dance pad and tried to dance. My dad taped all of us trying to unlock the next song..this is a must have game for everyone whether you have the xbox or the WII or whatever. I have never laughed so hard even when my brother got up there and tried it. Your work up a sweat and you have fun at the same time. I couldn't wait to do it again lol. I'm sad cause I have to go to work today and can't wait to do it again tonight hehe...good way to loose some of this weight that I need to loose. Sheri
I think DH ordered one for the Wii... it's not out & set up yet... I'll let you know how the work out is. I can report that Wii boxing is a killer workout and very fun!
About $70 I think- but it's always out of stock, I think he found it at Amazon.com about 2 weeks ago. It's called Dance Dance Revolution Ultimate Party or something like that. It's the game disc + the dance pad. We haven't really tried it yet, but it looks like alot of fun. I've seen them sell on Ebay for $100+, so either people are too lazy to shop around, or they really are hard to find.... Kel
I know you will have lot's of fun with it. I know we do. I did it again at my parents house last night after work. I wish I had one here at home lol. We do wish we had the WII, so maybe next yr on that one. Sheri
Kel, Is the Wii really "all that"? What's so different about it? I keep seeing the ads and hearing about it, but haven't talked with anyone who has it. Frogger
We have had our wii since this summer and there is alot of sport games such as bowling, tennis, baseball, boxing, golfing and lots of other games. Its very active and fun for the whole family.
Ro, Was it really expensive? I was looking for something for when the Little One is over and the weather keeps us in. I was wanting something to do when crafts etc got boring. Frogger
It was $250...to me it was expensive but after getting used to it and all. I guess it was money well spent and it was something the whole family can do and have fun with.
We got our Wii last Christmas and we love it. It can be a workout. Especially boxing. If you do a few rounds of boxing, you'll be feeling it later. My daughter just bought "Rayman" for Wii today. It's wild. We also have Zelda, and "Cooking Mama" as well as the sports games that come with it. Cooking Mama is a hoot. You cook Japanese food and using the controller, you have to do things like roll balls of dough, chop food, stir, roll things in coatings, etc. Believe it or not, the hardest thing is to tip the cooking pot just enough to pour out the water without dumping the noodles out of the pan. If you don't do it right, the little kid on the game gets fire in her eyes. LOL! It's worth the money to have kidlets moving when playing, rather than just sitting there getting a workout with a standard controller.
The wii is the least costly of the next gen systems... if you can find one retail. Wii (unbundled): 249.99 Xbox 360 arcade (new replacement for Core system): 279.99 Xbox 360 Pro: 349.99 PS3 40GB: 399.99 PS3 80GB: 499.99 (prices from www.gamestop.com exlcuding wii, which gamestop has bundled with every wii game ever to make it $600) The cost of games for wii is cheaper as well: wii: 49.99 xbox 360: 59.99 Ps3: 59.99 (for average games, excluding ones that have special equipment like guitar hero and DDR, but those also run about 10 dollars cheaper than the 360/PS3 versions.) Also the wii is quite alot more fun. The complete change in how you control your game (I.e. dramatic physical motion, instead of minute stick movements) results in a much more approchable game. The wii is one of the few things you can play on with a date, and not get labeled a power nerd. Pretty much everyone finds it fun.
It's not as much as the others, BUT I have heard that it is more expensive to get the games and the stuff that you need to play them..now I'm not sure on that part..but that is what I have heard about them. I do hear that your more active with them cause you have to move alot with the games that you play. I guess that is better then sitting your butt on the couch lol. Sheri
Well there you go, can't get much better then that. I personally wished my parents got the Wii instead of the xbox 360 for the kids, but my sweet brother told my dad that the xbox 360 had better grafics (sp)(sorry), do you really think that is important? I would hate to get a Wii here for my house and then differant games. We really aren't home enough for one. I know my sister is saving up for one in her house and there is no kids there lol, they aren't always for the kids. I know they are still having lot's of fun with the xbox, just wish they looked into it more. Thanks for the info, but get that DDR it's worth it. Sheri
I got my first taste of Wii over the Holidays. The Bowling is OUTSTANDING. This game system, is by far, way more family friendly....we even had the Grandparents playing, so much fun! I see what all the hype is about. It's deserving.
Haha... its true... =| gogo nintendo powerglove! as to the graphics, the xbox 360's graphics are much better than the wiis, and the games are very different. If you want to play shooters and more adult games xbox 360 is your best bet. Halo 3, call of duty 4, mass effect, assassin's creed all of those are on the xbox 360 and not the wii. but if you're looking for mass family fun, the wii is where its at.